Lesson 3 – Making Macro Counting And Leangains Simple And Easy

At first, I thought Lesson 3 was going to be about training.  I was going to explain what everyone was doing wrong, how to do it right, and how to maximize your ROI in the weight room.  (Return-On-Investment.  Basically, you don’t want to do a single thing that’s not worth your time.  That’s how my […]

My Reason. For Pretty Much Everything.

Everyone has  their reasons.  Lots of reasons. Some are vain.  Everyone wants to look good.  To look appealing.  Attractive.  Strong.  There’s nothing quite as simultaneously satisfying and annoying as having to buy new pants due to a large weight loss. And people have different preferences to accomplish this.  Some choose to lift.  Others do “cardio”. […]

Lesson 1 – Nutrition: The Macronutrient

I have this odd feeling that this is where I lose some people.  Rather than beat around the bush, I’m just going to drop the bomb and get it out of the way:  You will have to count and track your food. I know what you’re thinking and trust me, I’ve been there. Doesn’t it […]

From Pathetic, Obese Father-To-Be To One-Shredded-Papa

  My name is Jason.  There is nothing exceptional about me.  I’m a regular guy. A husband, a father of two beautiful girls, and a middle school math teacher. I have very simple tastes.  I play softball and golf when I can, watch sports on a regular basis, and do my best to enjoy the […]