Kari’s Story

We are so used to the idea of “more is better”.  Regardless of the diminishing rate of returns many “favorable” actions provide us, we sometimes simply can’t help ourselves. Kari fell into this category. She contacted me early in 2014, frustrated with her lack of fitness progress and a damning diagnosis from her doctor – […]

Moms Who Kick Ass!

Moms. There’s a very special place in our hearts for Moms. There has to be.  I mean, through all their eye-roll-inducing “momness”……….they’re our Moms.  They’re the first woman we all loved unconditionally.  Pretty much no matter who you are. And Moms?  They give the ultimate sacrifice – their bodies – for the sake of starting […]

Long Term Clients

Fitness is a journey, not a destination. We can talk protocols, weight lifting progression models, optimal macro splits, and the “hottest” supp to aid you in your quest. But the absolute MOST any of those items can do is improve the RATE at which you progress. 12-week before and after “transformations” are fine and dandy […]

The 12-Week Total Body Transformation: Fact or Fiction?

I have a confession to make: I hate before and after pictures. It’s true.  I hate them.  With a passion. Most before and after pictures you see are advertisements.  Let’s make no qualms about it.  And call a spade a spade.  Why is there even such a thing?  One reason: Before and after pics sell. […]