Podcast: The Dumbest Fitness Mistakes I’ve Made

We all make mistakes in the name of fitness. I am not immune to this. Not even close. In my quest for physical improvement, I’ve made some of the dumbest mistakes there are. Some resulted in losing tons of muscle. Some resulted in me losing my sex drive. Some resulted in my immune system becoming […]

Should You Use Intermittent Fasting For Fat Loss?

What the hell is this? I asked myself this question as I scrolled through the “25 symptoms of Fuckarounditis”. It was October, 2011, and I was about 4 months into my “no-carb diet”. I adhered religiously to the “insulin hypothesis”, (incorrectly) believing that carbohydrates made you fat. Because blood sugar and Gary Taubes. In the […]

Macro Tricks: The Weekly View

Everyone loves their “treats”.  No matter what those “treats” are. Some have a sweet tooth, others prefer the salts. Bacon, cakes, ice cream………..whatever your vice may be. Perhaps you prefer a few cocktails on a Saturday night.  To each their own. Don’t let the weekends derail your progress – but if you don’t enjoy your […]

“Fuckarounditis” Changed My Life

I had it. I couldn’t believe it.  It wasn’t true…….was it? Was I doing this all wrong? I had just stumbled across Leangains, almost by accident.  While browsing the low-carb websites (I’ve read The Lean Muscle Diet as penance……), I ran across a mention of intermittent fasting, or IF, in the comments.  It was the first time I […]

How To Get More Dieting Willpower

I have a confession to make. It’s a biggie.  It’s gonna be tough to get this bad boy off my chest. I’m a meal planner. A serious, serious meal planner. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a “large carry-all full of broccoli and chicken for my 8-meals-per-day perfectly timed protein-synthesizing perfect body building diet” […]

The Dichotomy Of Two Required Mindsets

In this corner, you have your training. Your lifting.  Your program.  Your sets, your progression, your undying, unrelenting quest in the addition of more poundage to the bar. Your training log, the physical manifestation and meticulously tracked data which represents your true progress.  The numbers begin to take on an almost unmistakable defining force surrounding […]

Keeping The Horse In Front Of The Cart

Before you begin to carefully critique and analyze the most perfect, most intricate, and most well-thought-out diet plan – the plan that will take you “there”, be sure you keep the big picture in mind. Dieting seems complex.  It seems difficult.  It seems way more convoluted than it needs to be. Should we avoid carbs? […]

Simplify Your Macro Counting – Have a System…….

How much fat is in bacon, considering what’s left over in the pan? How many carbs are in a baked potato? How much fiber does broccoli have? Should I track the milk I put on my cereal? This peanut butter has carbs in it!  Does this mean I can’t eat it on rest days?   […]

Unintended Consequences of Macro Counting

When counting macros, you’re gonna be annoyed at first.  Really annoyed. The first month is complete hell.  You’re totally unsure of yourself.  And scared you’re doing it wrong.   But a few weeks pass, and you get better.  Like any skill, macro counting needs refinement and practice. With tenacity and consistency, over time, some crazy […]

Macro Tricks: The Caloric Equivalent Trick

Macro counting? Ever had one of these situations: It’s the end of the day, you eat your meal, you have 30 grams of fat left, but no other macros. What do you do? In this post, I discuss the virtues of the “straight-up” macros.  They can help you fill the gaps. “Straight-up proteins” –> very […]