Day Six Nutrition: Is Fasting Right For You?
Have you ever been in “starvation mode”?
You have?
I hope you’re joking. I mean, you have the internet, right? I really hope you’re not starving just so you can take our 7-Day Challenge…….
All jokes aside, though, somehow, somewhere, the idea started floating around in the world of nutrition that if you didn’t eat every 4-5 hours (at least), your fat loss would grind to a halt and your body would enter “starvation mode”.
Maybe you’ve heard someone say:
“I’m not eating enough, and that’s why I can’t lose weight.”
Ummmmm, yeah………that’s simply not true.
Only in extreme (and I mean extreme!) cases of chronic underfeeding over a very long time does your metabolism become down regulated.
And I’m talking 500 calories (or less) for months on end!
Some of our most successful clients utilize a dietary strategy called “intermittent fasting” in order to lose weight.
The most simple form of intermittent fasting?
Skip breakfast.
Eat a light lunch.
Eat a decent sized, nutritious dinner.
That’s it. It’s as simple as that.
Sound crazy? Tell that to Todd, who lost 43 pounds in 12 weeks using intermittent fasting:
Or Kenedy, who lost 5 inches off her waist and 20 pounds in just 6 weeks using an “IF” protocol:
Now, fasting isn’t for everyone.
But it just may be right for you.
First, who should NOT use intermittent fasting:
> Those who are prone to binging or have eating disorders.
> Those who have verified, medical metabolic conditions such as hyper or hypothyroidism.
> Those who have blood sugar issues.
Also, it’s important to note that fasting itself doesn’t cause fat loss.
Let me repeat that:
Just because you fast doesn’t mean you will lose fat!
Okay, just had to make that clear. 🙂
But fasting creates a good sized calorie buffer from eating less in the early hours of the day.
Which does make overall dietary compliance easier for many people.
Your Assignment (Assuming You Want To Give Fasting A Shot!)
Well……there’s only one way to do this!
Jump into the deep end!
When you wake up, the FIRST thing you will want to do is drink a full 8 ounces (at least) of water.
You’re dehydrated in the morning, and you can easily mistake that for hunger.
Then………..grab a coffee or a zero calorie beverage, and stay active until lunchtime!
The worst thing you can do is stare at the clock, though.
Get busy, immerse yourself in your work, your chores, or your daily tasks.
Once lunchtime hits, eat a small lunch. Just enough to tide you over until dinner.
At dinner, eat a decent sized mixed meal with protein, carbs, fats, and veggies.
I know it may sound difficult at first, but most of our clients who start using fasting protocols love it!
After just a few short days, they’re full-blown “fasters”, and they don’t even think about ordering breakfast.
ACTION ITEM – give fasting a try today! Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Stay hydrated, and skip breakfast! 🙂
Day Six Training: Density Training
Awwww, yeah, are you ready to get into the gym and rock and roll!
We are going to use one of our FAVORITE muscle building, fat-shredding workout formats – DENSITY TRAINING!
Here’s how this works:
We are going to do Four Exercises, for 10 minutes each.
You are going to aim for a weight that you can do from between 8-12 reps.
Once you reach failure, you will wait a STRICT 60 seconds, and go again.
If you find yourself getting less than 8 reps, you will need to lower the weight for the next set.
Keep the timer running, because once you hit 10 minutes on the clock in total time for the exercise, you move on to the next exercise.
The purpose of density training is to get as many sets as you can in during your workout. You should get 7-8 sets of each exercise per 10 minute block. That’s up to 32 sets in total – in just 40 minutes of training!
Kick ass!
Here is your Density Training routine for today:
Exercise #1: Chest Press Machine – 10 Minutes, with 1 Minute Of Rest Between Each Set.
Exercise #2: Pulldowns or Pull-ups – 10 Minutes, with 1 Minute Of Rest Between Each Set.
Exercise #3: Dumbbell Bicep Curls – 10 Minutes, with 1 Minute Of Rest Between Each Set.
Exercise #4: Tricep Extensions – 10 Minutes, with 1 Minute Of Rest Between Each Set.
***When you are finished with your Four Exercises, have a brisk walk on the treadmill for 15-20 minutes to cool down. How was that pump? Killer, right?
ACTION ITEM – you have your Density Training Workout – go get it done!
Alternate Bodyweight Workout
We are still going to utilize Density Training, but we are going to get creative. 🙂
Be sure you read the instructions above for how to do Density Training.
Your Density Training Workout:
Exercise #1: Push-Ups (can be kneeling) – 10 Minutes, with 1 Minute Of Rest Between Each Set.
Exercise #2: Air Squats – 10 Minutes, with 1 Minute Of Rest Between Each Set.
***With Air Squats, do a set of 8-10, then rest a minute, then another set of 8-10, etc.
Exercise #3: Bench Dips – 10 Minutes, with 1 Minute Of Rest Between Each Set.
Exercise #4: Burpees – 10 Minutes, with 1 Minute Of Rest Between Each Set.
***With the Burpees, do a set of 5-8, then rest a minute, then another set of 5-8, etc.
ACTION ITEM – go crush that Density Training Workout!
Day Six Mindset – Forgiving Yourself
I have a secret to tell you about your mindset.
If you mess up, and you get mad at yourself for having “no motivation” or “no willpower”, and it leaves you feeling embarrassed or ashamed………then we need to work on fixing that!
You have to have a short memory when it comes to your diet and training.
Because you WILL mess up.
Watch this short video, and learn how to start forgiving yourself after your mis-steps today.
We help you fit into your skinny jeans.
And we help your shirtsleeves get tight.
If you want to learn more, click on the red box below.
I’m Ready To Start On My New, Healthy Lifestyle, Jason!
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ACTION ITEM – Be sure to head over to the Facebook Group so we can chat about the Big Picture.