The following is a short excerpt from an article I wrote for Jason Maxwell of JMaxx Fitness.
Life has rules.
Some are quite obvious. Never hit on a friend’s ex-girlfriend, always put the toilet seat down at your lady’s house, and always make sure your fridge is stocked with beer in case you have company.
Lifting has rules.
Some of these are quite obvious, too. Don’t curl in the squat rack, step back from the dumbbell rack before you begin your set, and always re-rack your plates when you’re finished.
But some of the rules of lifting and life aren’t so obvious. You won’t find any step-by-step guides showing you how they work, but if you spend enough time under the bar they will become crystal-clear.
The gym works best for you when it mimics life. We all have tough shit to deal with at times, but when you’ve spent some time throwing around heavy iron, life’s difficulties suddenly become a bit easier to handle.
If there’s anything that spending a significant portion of your days with intense DOMs will tell you, it’s that you always have room to grow.
Click <here> to continue and read the “66 Laws of Lifting and Life” on JMaxx Fitness.