Subscribe to the NWA Newsletter Here
I lift so hard, other trainers try to fine me,
But first they all gotta find me,
What’s pullin’ 500 to a deadlifter like me, can you please remind me?
– Kanye (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Tip Of The Week
Fitness matters.
There are times in the crazy world of social media where you see people claiming fitness is a metric in vanity.
We want to have chiseled abs.
We want 20″ arms.
We want thick, shapely glutes.
We want a flat midsection.
There is nothing wrong with being a bit vain, and for training for vanity.
It is extremely rewarding to put in work, and see that work manifest itself in an admirable, desirable physique.
Everyone should feel what it’s like to take your shirt or cover-up off at the beach, and be proud of what your physical body looks like.
While vanity may be the driving force behind your fitness motivation, it’s not everyone’s primary reason to be fit.
Fitness improves all aspects of your life.
It matters, whether you want to admit it or not.
Sometimes people unsubscribe from my newsletter.
It’s a part of life if you have a big email list.
I try to put out the best evergreen, sensible, and applicable information to help you improve your life.
It costs nothing.
And yet, some people bail, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
This is especially true when you’re selling something.
Some people hate being “sold” to.
I get it. No harm, no foul.
If I have a fitness offer, a course, or a promotion, and I send it out to my list, I can expect to have hundreds of people hit the unsubscribe button and disappear off into the abyss…
Hey, you can’t win ’em all, I guess…
But I never let that deter me.
And I never let that stop me from letting you know how I can help you.
I never let that stop me from putting in time and effort to bringing you the best information I can, free of charge.
Fun fact #1: Anyman Fitness currently has 1,129 clients across all of our coaching offers.
That is flat out amazing!
It’s wild to me that what started out as a modest blog in 2013 has turned into such a successful endeavor!
Fun fact #2: There are currently 39,727 people who are on my email list!
Another amazing statistic!
Nearly 40k people get my newsletter every Friday!
My hat is off to you – thank you for lending me your ear at the end of every week.
But you know what this means, correct?
This means that only 2.8% of the people who read my newsletter actually pay me for my services.
That’s such a small percentage!
But it’s enough to make me giddy with excitement, and to be able to keep doing what I love, without having to go back to teaching middle school (my hat is off to all the teachers out there, you’re the real MVP’s!)
You want to know what else is really cool?
The other 97.2% are getting high quality, top notch fitness information, on the house.
I get messages all the time from people who haven’t paid me a dime, yet have achieved amazing results, for free, just from reading the advice I give and applying it to their lives.
And sometimes, those messages really hit home…
Like this one did, here’s a message I received from Shaen.
Shaen took No Cardio Fat Shredding in the past with us.
He reached out to me on Twitter/X asking me if I could help his Dad:
Damn. That’s some heavy stuff…
My heart went out to him…
I know what this feels like.
THIS is why fitness matters.
It’s not abs, or arms, or glutes.
It’s being active, mobile, and having a fruitful, high quality of life well into your golden years.
But here’s the thing…
This wasn’t a chance to make a sale.
One thing about me – I will not make a sale just to make a sale.
If I don’t think a coaching program is needed, I will tell you.
And I’ll help you out as best I can, pro bono.
Shaen’s father was in a tough spot.
He didn’t need fancy coaching, or an internet based fitness program.
He just needed a simple game plan to follow.
I gave Shaen some easy advice to relay to his Dad.
A simple calorie count.
A protein target to aim for.
Basic stuff; not stuff anyone would ever need to pay me for.
75 days passed.
And then, I got this follow up message from Shaen.
Not gonna lie, this one made me get a bit misty… be sure you read it all…
Is it dusty in here, or is it just me?
Shaen, I know you’re reading this.
You gave me the greatest gift I could ever ask for.
The gift of knowing I actually did make a difference.
For you, for your family, and of course, for your Dad.
Thank you.
Fitness matters.
For everyone.
Fitness is hard.
It’s hard to eat right.
It’s hard to exercise.
It’s hard to lift weights.
It’s hard to stay consistent.
But it’s also going to be hard if you choose to neglect your fitness.
It’s hard to watch your health decline before it needs to.
It’s hard to lose your mobility and have to rely on others just to get by.
It’s hard to realize you won’t be able to play with your grandkids the way you should.
It’s hard, no matter which path you choose.
You’re going to need to Choose Your Hard.
I know what path I’m choosing…
Check out Kristin’s results from just one month in our group coaching program. You can learn more and join about our most popular – and affordable coaching offer here.
More AF Content From Around the Web:
I’m coming up on a full year without drinking any alcohol.
It’s been far and away the best year of my life, for many reasons.
The decision to go sober was a personal one, and it’s not for everyone.
But I want to spell it out for you and let you know exactly what alcohol is doing to your body if you choose to partake (as I did for many, many years).
Here are 7 things even moderate alcohol consumption is doing to your body.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
Read the N.W.A. Newsletter Archives
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Sooooo hype every time I hear that opening bar… (NSFW – language)