It’s time to get selfish.
Seriously. It’s time. You need to start looking out for #1, the Head Honcho, numero uno………..ya know — YOU!
One of the best and most efficient ways you can help those around you is by setting a good example, and showing them that it’s acceptable and reasonable to do some good for yourself.
Of course “things” will get in the way. “Things” get in the way for everyone.
You “don’t have time” for health and fitness……….yeah……….you do.
You actually do. And you know you do.
Some of the busiest people on the planet have mastered the physical aspect of their lives. There’s a way. But you need to have it organized. Efficient. Streamlined.
You need to have a plan in place; a plan of attack.
How are YOU going to attack this beast? How are YOU going to better yourself?
Can you imagine the possibilities? How would you feel as a leaner, stronger version of yourself?
More confident? More energized? Proud? Excited? Sexier?
Bettering yourself will improve all aspects of your life – not just your blood panel or your waistline.
But you have to be willing and able.
And that’s a very big step.
Make no qualms about it – not everyone is willing and able. And you have to be both.
If you’re able, but not willing, you’re just not gonna put that turn signal on when you drive by the gym……..
If you’re able, but not willing, you’re just not gonna plan properly when you’re setting up your meal plan………….
If you’re able, but not willing, you’re just not gonna fight through the slight hunger pangs associated with dieting……….
If you’re able, but not willing…………… just won’t work.
And if you’re willing, but not able?
Now THAT’S a tough pill to swallow.
If you’re physically not able…………well………….you have to start somewhere.
Perhaps you’re not ready for deadlifting and squatting……….but you sure can get away from your computer or smartphone and go for a walk………hopefully……….
It all starts with one step. You can’t think about the long road ahead. You can only think about this week, this day, this hour, this very minute. Always think of this very minute. Because minutes turn into hours, and days, and weeks, and months……….
We aren’t big fans in cardiovascular endeavors – this is no secret. But a marathon runner offers an invaluable insight into the proper mindset with your fitness plan.
Ask anyone who has run a marathon. How did they get through the full 26.2 miles? There’s a very good chance the answer is quite simple.
Never think about the full marathon. Just lose yourself and focus on a step at a time. Focus on 26.2? You’ll never make it. You won’t have the ability. It’ll mess with your mind, your psyche, your EVERYTHING.
Just one step. Then another. And another. Lose yourself in thought. Become one with the pavement. Forget it all. Relax. Let go.
And the steps turn into miles and the miles start to add up – quickly.
So, what exactly do you have to be “willing and able” to do? To join us in our quest for the ultimate in health and fitness?
You have to be WILLING to………..
1. Train 3 times per week for around 45 minutes to an hour. No more, no less.
2. Not be intimidated by the squat rack or the barbell.
3. Use methods which might be unfamiliar to you in the gym. Namely heavy resistance training methods.
4. Properly watch your macronutrient (protein/carbs/fat) intake to ensure proper recovery and nutrition.
5. Eat at a slight caloric deficit in order to promote sustainable fat loss.
6. Plan for success on a regular basis.
7. Create a strategy when faced with unconventional eating situations – social or otherwise.
8. Take ownership of your own health and well-being.
You have to be ABLE to………….
1. Grocery shop regularly to ensure you have the proper nutrition at your residence.
2. Perform squats, deadlifts, and presses on a regular basis.
3. Make time for yourself, first and foremost.
4. Commit to the proper time frame – which inevitably…………can probably be classified as “forever”.
5. Accept the fact that true, permanent changes require effort and consistency.
6. Rationally analyze your progress – and make the proper adjustments along the way.
7. Persevere when faced with adversity. No journey is without roadblocks, trials, and tribulations.
8. Keep on swimming. No matter what you’re up against.
The biggest factor leading to your success is your consistency.
But you know this, right? You KNOW you need consistency to ensure success.
So, how do we increase the level of our consistency?
The biggest contributing factor to the level of your consistency is the sustainability of your plan of attack.
Can you see yourself continuing with your plan indefinitely?
If not, you’re going to run into issues. We need a plan that won’t cause us to burn out. Or give up.
So, how do we increase our sustainability? What leads us to improve our ability to continue the course?
The biggest factor to the level of your sustainability is your perceived effort.
If it “feels” unsustainable……….it probably is.
If it requires too much effort………… won’t be sustainable……….and if it’s not sustainable…………you’ll have trouble with your consistency………..and if you can’t be consistent…………well…………
So, you tell me. Are you willing to try something new?
Are you willing to leave it all behind?
Are you willing to make a total, conscious effort to improving yourself?
Are you able?
Can you physically do it? Can you make time for yourself and put yourself as your first priority?
Can you be selfish?
If you’re willing and able………….there’s no time like the present.
Come join us.
We’ll have a plate of bacon waiting for you.