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I’m doing these squats long as I feel ’em,
‘Til the day I drop you’ll never say I’m not killin’ ’em,
‘Cause when I’m not, you’ll know they probably closed my gym,
‘Cause if the doors are open, you know I’m in there killin’ it.
– Eminem (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Nutrition Tip Of The Week
This tip might be a tough pill to swallow…
If you want to get lean, and stay lean, most of your meals will look like this:
This is a staple meal of mine.
It consists of marinated chicken, some veggies, and jasmine rice.
It’s healthy, tasty, and I never get tired of it.
Those 3 criteria are what I refer to as “The Trifecta”.
This is the “sweet spot” of healthy eating, and it’s where you should strive to be.
You don’t need to eat exactly this meal or anything, but the template will be similar for most meals.
First, you need to choose a protein.
Be careful of the fat content in your protein, assuming you’re looking to trim up (if you’re bulking or gaining weight purposefully, that’s another story).
Some solid lean protein options would be:
- Chicken breast or thighs (avoid thighs)
- Lean pork chops (avoid shoulder)
- Strip steak (avoid ribeye)
- 90/10 or leaner ground beef (avoid chuck or round)
- Cod, shrimp, or scallops (avoid salmon)
- Deli meat (avoid sausage-style meats, aim for chicken/turkey/ham)
Although I said to “avoid” some of the fattier options above, as long as you’re mindful of your overall calories and you keep them in the proper range, you’ll be just fine.
Second, you need to choose some whole food carbohydrates.
Don’t be scared of carbohydrates.
They don’t cause fat gain, and if you’re training hard, you need them for recovery and fuel.
At the same time, you need to make solid choices with your carbs. There’s a big difference between eating excess sugar and getting real, whole food carbs into your system.
Some solid, whole food carbohydrate options would be:
- Rice (white or brown)
- Potatoes (white or sweet)
- Oats
- Fruit
- Veggies
These options are all excellent for your health, are chock full of vitamins, and will fill you up (very important when dieting).
And lastly, think spices, not sauces.
There will be very few added fats or sugars on your meals.
Resist the urge to cover your food in barbecue sauce, ranch dressing or shredded cheese.
Find some seasonings you enjoy, and be liberal with them.
This sort of a template is affectionately called a “Bro Meal”.
These are the meals the “Bros” have been eating for decades after they train.
But please know these meals are “gender fluid” (gotta love 2023, lol).
They’re perfect choices for both men and women.
You cannot go wrong with lean protein and whole food carbs, seasoned in a manner you enjoy.
The possibilities are endless:
- New York Strip and potatoes
- Ground beef and white rice
- Cod and veggies
- Pork chops and apples
- Even a simple sandwich would work
Mix and match to your desire, and put your favorite Bro Meals on repeat.
And watch your waistline shrink away before your very eyes.
Our clients have zero off limit foods, and they average 4″ off their waists in the first 3 months of coaching with us.
They also have access to 17+ professionally designed strength training programs, 24/7 access to our coaches, and a custom designed app to track all their progress and communicate on our in-app message boards.
N.W.A. Training Tip Of The Week
Lower back pain is common these days.
Many of us sit for extended periods of time for our jobs; this is unnatural.
We aren’t meant to be hunched over a computer like this:
But no matter how many times we tell ourselves to sit up straight, inevitably, many of us still have issues.
If you have lower back problems, I have an easy suggestion for you: Perform back extensions on a regular basis.
This is a back extension machine; almost all gyms have them:
This simple machine isolates your lower back and posterior chain, and works them through their full range of motion.
This will quickly strengthen the tender area, and allow it to be pain free.
If you don’t have access to this machine at your gym, or you don’t have a gym membership, you can do a similar movement at home using a bench or a table.
In this case, you would allow your legs to hang off the bench or table, and lift your legs into the air using your lower back and glutes.
Like this:
I do these regularly at home whenever my lower back gets tender.
I just use our kitchen table. My wife and kids always look at me weird when I knock out a few sets before dinner…
I’ve seen dozens of people with lower back pain become pain-free with these 2, simple exercises.
Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps without weight using a slow tempo.
Contract your lower back muscles hard at the top, and flex them to aid in the strengthening process.
Your lower back is important to keep flexible, healthy, limber, and pain free.
If you give them a try, report back and tell me how they worked for you.
More AF Content From Around the Web:
With the holidays here in full swing, it can be tough to stay in a proper groove and rhythm.
Uniform eating is one of the simplest – and best – ways of making staying on track with your diet easy to implement.
It’s one of our clients’ favorite lessons, and many of them tell us this is what made dieting work for them for the first time.
Read “Simplify Your Fat Loss With Uniform Eating” on Social House News here.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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