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Hi, kids!
Do you like bench press?
Do you want to see me put 9 plates on the bar and try to lift it?
– Eminem (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Tip Of The Week
Fun Fact:
I have been running Anyman Fitness since 2013.
In May, Year 12 will be wrapping up and on we go to (lucky) year 13.
My former career as a teacher lasted 12 years.
That means, that in May, internet fitness coaching career will officially be longer than my teaching career was.
It still blows my mind you can make a solid living tapping buttons on a laptop, helping people get into proper shape.
God Bless America!
Another Fun Fact:
Not once in the last 12 years have I told a client they “weren’t allowed” to eat a certain food.
Also, not once in the last 12 years have I told a client they “had to” eat a certain food.
We don’t have “do not eat lists”, and we never will.
I’ve seen a lot of nutritional ‘boogeymen’ come and go.
High fructose corn syrup.
Seed oils.
Fruit (seriously lol).
All of those foods are just fine and dandy, assuming you show moderation and stay within your recommended calorie allotment.
We don’t force you to eat foods you don’t like, either.
It doesn’t matter how much of a ‘superfood’ something is.
If you don’t enjoy your diet, you won’t keep it going long term.
And that will ALWAYS be my goal – to teach you a long term, sustainable path for success.
That being said, there ARE 3 foods you should never eat…
Surprised to hear me say that?
Let’s tell you exactly what those foods are – this may surprise you…
The 3 Foods You Should Never Eat.
Foods you don’t like.
Enough said!
If you hate kale, or quinoa, why are you force feeding yourself a food that makes you gag?
I can’t stand kale.
It’s bitter.
It’s unpleasant.
It tastes like an old gym sock.
You will not catch me ever putting any kale on my plate – ever.
Rule #1 of dieting is you need to enjoy the foods you eat.
If you don’t enjoy your diet, it will never work as a long term solution.
Foods that don’t agree with you.
I LOVE jalapeños.
They are so tasty… with just enough heat and spice to light up my tastebuds with delight.
But they also light (ahem) something else up… if you catch my drift (I won’t go into details).
This past summer, my family stopped at Jimmy John’s and I ordered a sub with extra jalapeños while on a road trip.
I devoured every bite.
About a half hour later, I was practically screaming with stomach pain, and sweat dripping down my forehead.
The torture lasted the rest of the evening, and into the next day.
That was the last time I ate jalapeños.
That wasn’t the only time this happened to me, either – but I guess I have a short memory (or I really wanted those jalapeños!).
If a certain food makes you feel like crap, don’t eat it.
Simple as that.
Maybe dairy messes up your digestive system.
Maybe pasta makes your hands swell up.
Maybe potatoes make you bloated and feel awful.
Or maybe jalapeños (sadly) tear up your insides.
Your mileage may vary – choose foods that make you feel good, not the other way around.
Foods that aren’t ‘worth it’, calorie wise.
You want to eat foods you love and enjoy.
But you also need to stay within your calorie budget as well.
There are certain foods that are delicious, but the calories are such that fitting them into your daily numbers will be a challenge.
I love nuts and seeds of all kinds.
Sunflower seeds.
An almond butter and honey sandwich on toasted sourdough is an ahhhh-may-zing treat!
But I almost never eat them.
They’re calorie bombs.
Somehow nuts and seeds have been crowned with a “Health Halo” and marketed as “healthy superfoods”.
The fact that they are sky high in fat content (and calories as a result), gets glossed over…
There are zero foods that will cause you to lose fat by consuming them.
This is a fact – be sure you understand it.
Coconut oil may be “anti-inflammatory”, but adding it to your food will cause the calorie content of your food to sky rocket.
It’s best to avoid it if you’re trying to stay on track with your diet.
I love Skyline chili.
I eat it once per week.
If you’re from the Midwest, you understand the allure.
(Did you know they recently came out with a Skyline Chili ice cream flavor?? I have to try this…).
But Skyline chili pretty calorie dense.
I can’t eat a lot of it – I eat 2 cheese coneys for dinner once per week with about a tablespoon of Skyline on each one.
I also understand that it won’t really fill me up; I’ll be hungry later in the evening when I eat Skyline for dinner.
To me, the tradeoff is worth it.
Skyline is delicious.
I’m willing to suck it up and be a little bit hungry if it means I get to eat my (delicious) taste of home (I grew up in Cincinnati, the home of Skyline chili).
There you have it.
The only 3 foods you should never eat.
Foods you don’t like.
Foods that don’t agree with you.
And foods that aren’t worth it, calorie wise.
Use this as your new template.
You’ll find your diet much more enjoyable, and easy to stick to as a result.
Linda lost a wild 65 pounds in Full Access: Anyman Fitness – our group coaching program.
To learn more about this affordable coaching option, tap here and see how we can help you.
More AF Content From Around the Web:
Today at 12 noon, Eastern Time, I will be co-hosting a live webinar with Jason Moore, the CEO of the groundbreaking body fat testing app Spren.
I’ve recently partnered with Spren to create an AI based coaching option that gives you 24/7 access to my coaching, unlimited body fat testing scans, personalized nutritional targets, and much more.
The webinar is free to attend; if you can’t make it live at noon today, that’s okay – when you sign up, you’ll be sent a recording after it’s been uploaded.
See you there!
Register for the webinar here
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Best, Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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The first time I saw this, I thought he was a cheesy, terrible rapper… (NSFW – lyrics)