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Locked myself in a gym lifting all day for 3 summers,
That’s a different world, there’s no wonder,
I deserve to bench these numbers.
– Kanye (probably)
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Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Tip Of The Week
2024 is upon us.
Do you have a “resolution”?
I’m not really a resolution guy. I have goals, of course, but I tend to take action right away rather than wait until an arbitrary date to begin.
There’s nothing wrong with having yearly goals, though. Once upon a time, I WAS a “New Year’s Resolutioner”.
It was back in 2005.
I had just graduated college and completed my first Fall as a middle school teacher, and it was Christmas break
My grandma asked me what I wanted.
I told her I’d love a pair of Dockers to wear to work.
She asked me my size and I told her…
She shipped them up to Michigan. When they arrived, I opened the box, and tried them on… and they didn’t even come close to buttoning up.
And they were a 46″ waist!
It was at that moment where I decided I would go join the gym the very next day.
I wanted to get in shape – I was about to get married, and I didn’t want to be the “fat guy with a hot bride”.
So, off into the gym I went.
I worked out really “hard”.
I tried to eat “healthy”.
You’ll notice I put those adjectives in quotes.
I did that for a reason – “hard” and “healthy” are vague, unmeasurable, and subjective.
This is where this week’s N.W.A. tip comes in…
If you want to make 2024 your year, it’s time for you to do the boring work nobody else wants to do.
It’s time to track your nutrition.
It’s time to be REAL with yourself and be consistent with your diet every day.
It’s time to track your workouts.
It’s time to really zone in and take care of business.
I avoided this “hard work” for many years.
From 2005 – 2011, I would go to the gym and try to kill myself.
I would lift hard, do lots of cardio, and basically try to burn the calories off of me.
It didn’t work.
I would try to eat healthy.
I would eat small meals, and only “clean foods”.
I would eat salads as much as I could, hoping that would get me lean.
Again, it didn’t work.
I would try fancy diets.
I would try eating zero carb.
I would try fasting for long periods of time.
I would try to “eat like a caveman” (Paleo was huge at the time).
I would try crazy workouts.
I would do hours of “abs”.
I would run on the treadmill for 90 minutes a pop.
I would use short rest periods, and do set after set after set…
And once more… I really didn’t get the results I was after.
It was demoralizing…
I kept seeing the advice that I should track my nutrition.
And track my workouts.
And I kept making excuses… kept saying “Meh, I don’t want to do that, I don’t need to…”
It seemed like hard work. I wanted to avoid that. Honestly… it seemed “boring”… and I just knew I needed “fancy and exciting” to get real results.
But here’s the thing… by avoiding spending a bit of time paying attention to the details, I was actually making it much harder on myself.
I just didn’t realize it at the time.
If I had simply committed 5-10 minutes per day to track my nutrition, I could have eaten more food, and enjoyed my diet more.
In turn this would have made me more consistent, and I would have lost weight more quickly.
If I had simply gotten on a solid, full body training program, tracked my workouts, and worked on improving my performance each week, I would have gotten stronger much more quickly.
I would have built muscle, burned more fat, and had 10x the results.
It’s ironic that the “hard work” isn’t as hard as you think it is.
Doing the boring, basic stuff, is exactly what really moves the needle.
It all but guarantees results.
You just have to suck it up, get over yourself, and make a real commitment to taking care of business.
If you need some help and you’d like to start making positive steps to improve your life, you can apply for a spot on our 1:1 coaching roster here.
More AF Content From Around the Web:
One of the most *hotly* debated topics in the fitness world is that of “fasted cardio”.
“Fasted cardio” means you perform cardio *before* you eat anything for the day.
The thought is that since you have no fuel, your body will be “forced” to burn body fat for fuel.
There have been studies done to prove this, with some surprising results… and because of this, people everywhere swear by it.
But should you REALLY do cardio on an empty stomach?
What else is there to consider other than “it burns a few more calories”?
Have a read of “Does fasted cardio actually work“, my latest article for Social House News.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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