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Sittin’ at the gym feelin’ calm and collected,
Feelin’ that ‘gotta get swole’ perspective,
‘Cuz the set I just did broke me in half,
And half the gym bros I know about to smash some rows.
– Dr. Dre (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Nutrition Tip Of The Week
The Coolidge Effect is a biological phenomenon seen in animals.
When a male (of any species) sees an attractive female, he will spend all of his resources and energy trying to copulate with her, in an attempt to impregnate her.
Eventually, the male will be exhausted, and the female will no longer interest him. The male’s sexual energy is gone, and he can’t perform the deed.
However, if a new, attractive female is presented to the male, immediately, the male’s sexual energy returns with abundance.
He has a renewed urge to mate, and all of a sudden, his previously (ahem) uninterested genitals have a “born again” purpose and drive.
The Coolidge Effect gets its name from an incident between former President Calvin Coolidge and his wife.
The couple were being shown around an experimental government farm.
When Mrs. Coolidge came across a rooster who was mating frequently, she turned to one of the farm hands and asked, “How often does he do that?”
The farm hand answered, “Dozens of times per day.”
Mrs. Coolidge coyly replied back, “Tell that to Mr. Coolidge when you see him next.”
The farmhand did as Mrs. Coolidge requested, telling the President about the studly rooster.
Mr. Coolidge retorted, “To the same hen each time?”
And the farm hand admitted, “No, different hens each time.”
To which Mr. Coolidge smiled and said, “Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge when you see her next.”
Pretty funny stuff, eh?
Of course this newsletter isn’t about mating habits or sexual health, but there is a huge parallel to this story and the world of nutrition…
Eating and sex are two very similar functions, biologically.
They both serve a purpose of keeping us alive (both acutely and as a species).
We are biologically hard wired to perform – and enjoy – both activities.
We can become addicted compulsively to each of the two feelings, and actions, if we allow ourselves to be.
Have you ever been stuffed to the gills after dinner and thought to yourself, “I can’t eat another bite”?
And then someone introduces a cheesecake (or some other delectable desert) and all of a sudden, your appetite comes roaring back?
This is a common phenomenon.
I see this with my own daughter, Ava.
Often times, after dinner, Ava will ask if she can have a small treat.
If we say no, my wife or myself will ask her, “Are you still hungry? There’s more dinner left over if you need more.”
To which the response is always the same, “No, I’m not hungry, I’m full. I just want a treat.”
Novelty is your enemy when it comes to nutrition.
You want to be eating similar foods on repeat if you want to get into great shape, and stay that way.
Constantly introducing new foods into your diet ironically will cause you to eat more calories naturally – something you don’t want if losing body fat is a goal of yours.
Which situation would you do better in?
Situation #1: You can eat as much chicken, rice, and broccoli as you want – unlimited quantities
Situation #2: You are at an all you can eat buffet, and you can eat as much as you want – unlimited quantities
Situation #2 would almost certainly cause you to overeat.
Eliminating choices is a simple way to keep yourself focused and on track with your diet.
Dieters will often say “I’m too hungry on a diet”.
And maybe there’s a shred of truth to that.
But if you set your diet up properly, you won’t be overly hungry. That shouldn’t be a huge issue until you start getting very low in body fat percentage.
What you will struggle with is your desire to get a dopamine hit from junk food and constant novelty with your diet.
We preach the concept of “uniform eating” again and again in our community.
You want to eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast and lunch each day.
And you want to have a rotation of healthy dinners you use each evening.
You want to grocery shop on the weekends, and meal prep so you’re prepared for the week.
You want to take all the guesswork out of your diet.
You want to “set it and forget it”, and just wake up and eat the food you have planned for the day.
95% of your foods should come from the following list:
- Animal protein (beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seafood, eggs)
- High protein dairy (whey shakes, cottage cheeses, Greek yogurt)
- Fruit and vegetables
- Oats
- Rice and potatoes (white, brown, or sweet)
Honestly… that’s about it.
You don’t need to be obsessive about it; if you eat a food not on that list, it’ll be okay – just make sure it hits your calorie and/or macronutrient goal.
And the next time you’re satisfied, and you see a new food and immediately want to try it out, remember, it’s not your hunger kicking in, it’s just The Coolidge Effect, and nothing more.
Check out Kristin’s results from just one month in our group coaching program. You can learn more and join about our most popular – and affordable coaching offer here.
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Sometimes when I see a dinner like this, I do a double take, remembering I used to weigh 300 pounds…
I think about all those people resistant to change… and I think about how much better your life will be when you embrace this change…
If I can do it you can do it.
I promise you it tastes just as good, if not better, than fast food. Once you get used to it, that is.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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Possibly the hardest song Dr. Dre ever produced… (NSFW – language)