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Wake up, jump out my bed,
I’m at my gym, and my legs are feelin’ half dead,
Goblet squats were the move Coach J gave me,
Dear God, 10 sets are gonna fade me…
– Snoop Dogg (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each Friday’s N.W.A. Newsletter will have 3 parts:
- A Nutritional Tip to help make your diet healthier and easier to stick to.
- A Workout Tip to help make your training sessions more effective and fun.
- An Attitude/Mindset tip to help you strengthen your greatest asset – your mental toughness.
I will also give you my single favorite piece of social media content from AF over the past week and link to it on either Instagram or Twitter.
Without any further ado… let’s get started, shall we?
N.W.A. Mindset Tip of The Week
Here’s a simple way to know you’ve “made it” when it comes to fitness.
Do you work out because you want to lose weight?
Or look good naked?
Or you have a trip or event coming up, and you want to look better for it?
Those are all excellent reasons to work out, don’t get me wrong.
But those are relatively superficial reasons.
I used to work out for those reasons, I won’t lie.
When I first started out on my own fitness journey, I desperately wanted to change my identity from the “big, fat teddy bear” to the “fit guy”.
I didn’t want to be the super-consumer who ate like a horse and drank like a fish.
I wanted to be the strapping, fit Dad others looked up to and admired.
I’ll admit, at first, my motives for getting into shape were superficial.
I wanted to look good.
I wanted my wife to look at me with lust in her eyes.
I wanted external validation – I wanted OTHERS to view me differently.
It took time, but eventually, that external motivation faded.
I got used to looking good and having others comment on it.
After awhile, the words just didn’t mean anything to me any more.
But I was totally fine with that – by this point, my reasons for working out had shifted.
I was no longer working out for external validation.
I was working out because I loved the way it made me feel and move.
Let’s be honest – working out isn’t “fun”.
Sure, you can enjoy pushing yourself, and enjoy the post-workout endorphins.
You can enjoy your results and the confidence working out gives you.
But the actual workout itself isn’t “fun”.
It’s painful.
Literally – doing an intense weight set actually “hurts” and anyone who says it doesn’t is a flat out liar.
I’ve been working out for almost 20 years in some capacity at the gym, and I still have to “force” myself to go to the gym each morning…
Over time, though, you just get used to pushing yourself, and you get used to the pain.
It just becomes what you do.
Sometimes, I frame it as a sacrifice.
I say to myself:
“Jason, you live in the most opulent and decadent time period in history.
If you lived 50 years ago, you wouldn’t have smart phones, and Ubers, and your fancy-pants internet job you can do from a laptop in your jammies.
It’s time to pay the piper – get your ass to the gym and make a sacrifice to the Gods of this pampered existence you have.”
Sometimes, I frame it as a duty.
I say to myself:
“Jason, you’re a Dad.
You need to set a good example for your children. Your kids are soaking up everything you do.
One day, they will be glad they saw the example you set for them, and they’ll realize the importance of physical health in their lives.
Get your ass to the gym, and go crush a workout.”
Sometimes, I frame it as a personal challenge.
I say to myself:
“Jason, if you want to be the best, that takes extreme dedication.
It’s a 45 minute workout.
How can you expect to be the best you can be if you’re not willing to lift weights for 45 minutes.
Stop being a (wuss), and get your ass into the gym and smash those weights.”
But these sorts of internal dialogues never go away.
It’s a constant battle to stay “in the game”.
And I know if it is for me, it is for you as well.
Fitness is a “force multiplier”.
That’s the real reason why I stay unwavering to my fitness regimen.
Anyone who has been successful knows how much better they perform when they’re fit and active.
Intense exercise has cognitive benefits.
You think better and more clearly when you exercise regularly.
Intense exercise has mental health benefits.
You are less stressed and feel better about who you are when you exercise regularly.
Intense exercise has enormous physical benefits (obviously).
This is as clear as day – I don’t even need to go over these… there’s too many to list…
Everything in your life – EVERYTHING improves when it comes to fitness.
When you finally get fit, lean, and strong, you realize the sacrifice, time, energy, and effort required to truly do something special.
And you also realize how simple it is to accomplish such a feat – it’s as simple as having one good day, over and over again.
I would never have started my business if I hadn’t gotten serious – and had success with fitness first.
I didn’t know anything about running a business.
I didn’t know anything about the internet.
Starting a website.
Coaching others.
Copywriting, HTML, social media presence… NOTHING.
But when a buddy of mine suggested giving it a shot, I said to myself:
“Sure, why not?You’re a smart guy, Jason. You’ll suck at first, but you’ll get better over time.
It’ll be just like fitness.
If you just do the best you can to help people, and take things one day at a time, only good things can happen.
Let’s hop onto Google and see if we can figure out how to register a domain name…”
And the next day, I took out the domain name anymanfitness-dot-com.
3 years later, I quit my job as a teacher, and for the last 7 years, I’ve only had to answer to myself.
NONE of that would have EVER happened if I hadn’t been dedicated to fitness FIRST.
Understanding the process involved in fitness helped me realize I needed to apply that same, unwavering consistency to business.
I knew if I did that, I would be pretty darn good at being a digital entrepreneur.
It’s a “force multiplier”.
Any positive changes YOU want to make in your life will be much easier to make when you’re eating healthy, working out, and treating your body the way it should be treated.
Need a real strength training program and bespoke nutritional recommendations for your unique metabolism?
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They also have access to 17+ professionally designed strength training programs, 24/7 access to our coaches, and a custom designed app to track all their progress and communicate on our in-app message boards.
One Favorite Social Media Post Of The Week:
If you think seasoned chicken thighs and eggs with hot sauce is “bland and boring”, your tastebuds have been hijacked by processed bullshit and added sugars.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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Welcome to The Good Life… (NSFW – lyrics)