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Back when Mark Wahlberg was Marky Mark,
This is how we used to make the lifting start,
We used to start first with a brisk, short walk,
Then we deadlift, take a rest, then squat,
– Eminem (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each Friday’s N.W.A. Newsletter will have 3 parts:
- A Nutritional Tip to help make your diet healthier and easier to stick to.
- A Workout Tip to help make your training sessions more effective and fun.
- An Attitude/Mindset tip to help you strengthen your greatest asset – your mental toughness.
I will also give you my single favorite piece of social media content from AF over the past week and link to it on either Instagram or Twitter.
Without any further ado… let’s get started, shall we?
N.W.A. Vacation Training Tip Of The Week
We’re now firmly into “vacation season”.
The month of July brings about sun, sand, and beaches.
It’s a time where we (hopefully) can take a bit of time off and enjoy the warm weather with our family and friends.
A common question our clients ask is how to handle their fitness regimen while on vacation.
It’s a great question, so let’s dive in, and discuss how to train when you’re on vacation…
If you’re a consistent weight lifter, understand that taking a week off the heavy weights isn’t a bad thing.
In fact, studies show taking a full week off of strenuous lifting a few times per year is beneficial for injury reduction and giving your body a break.
I personally take a week off during the summer when I go on vacation, and I take a week off around Christmas break when I go on vacation as well.
When you’ve built strength and muscle, even if you take a week off, that strength and muscle doesn’t really go anywhere.
If you feel a bit “smaller” because you aren’t lifting, within a week, your muscle will come roaring back with a vengence.
This concept is called “muscle memory” – after you’ve built the muscle, if you take time off, the mitochondria of the cell sticks around, making it MUCH easier to regain once you’re back at it.
My training advice to you is simple.
Take the week off if you wish, you’ll be just fine.
But if you really want to train on vacation, you can find a local gym if you wish.
Just understand you won’t be setting any “PR’s”.
You’ll be out of your element, using new equipment and machines you’re not used to.
Your diet probably won’t be as “solid” as it normally is, and your sleep may be impacted as well.
But use the training session to get activity in, get a pump, and consider just “winging it” in the gym.
Usually I’m not a fan of “winging it”.
You always make better progress following a consistent and dedicated training program.
But this is different… a vacation gym session is just to keep up the habit, burn a few calories, get a pump, and leave you feeling good.
So pump up those biceps, do the exercises that you LOVE only, and don’t sweat the small stuff.
If you don’t feel like finding a local gym, don’t sleep on a simple bodyweight routine.
Our clients have 14 different full body, equipment free routines at their disposal that take around 30 minutes to complete (they consist of 5-6 exercises done in circuit fashion).
If you need an uber simple bodyweight routine set up, try this one on for size:
- 20 push ups
- 20 bodyweight squats
Do 5 rounds of these exercises (back to back) with 2 minutes of rest between each round.
Do the push-ups kneeling if you need to.
You’ll be done in under 20 minutes, and set yourself up for a great day of vacation with endorphins running through your body.
The most important part is not to sweat your training sessions while you’re on vacation.
Do them if you wish.
Or don’t, it’s your call.
It won’t move the needle much at all.
Just be sure to walk a lot, be active, relax, and enjoy your vacation.
After all, isn’t that what vacation is truly all about?
Need access to some bodyweight routines while you travel?
Our clients have access to a full array of fitness programs that use zero equipment – just you and your body.
You can join our squad for just $20 for your first month here.
N.W.A. Vacation Nutrition Tip Of The Week
A huge source of anxiety for a lot of people is how to eat while they’re on vacation.
If you’re making solid fat loss progress, the last thing you want to do is add 10 pounds onto your frame in a week’s time.
But first things first – even if you DO gain a bit of weight on vacation, most of it will NOT be body fat.
You would need to eat 17,500 calories over your maintenance to gain 5 pounds of body fat in a week.
Sure, you may be indulging a bit, but I doubt you’ll be indulging like that…
But you may gain some water weight.
That’s pretty normal when you’re traveling.
Your macronutrient composition isn’t the same as it is when you’re home, and you will likely be eating more carbs than you’re used to (each gram of carbs brings in 3-4 grams of water weight).
Don’t sweat it one bit.
Once you get home and return to your normal eating routine, those extra “vacation pounds” will be off of you in no time.
Here are our tips we give to clients on how to eat while on vacation…
First, don’t track ANYTHING.
Not calories or macros – nothing.
A vacation should be a physical break AND a mental break as well.
Besides, trying to track your food when you’re dining out and enjoying yourself is a sure fire way to get yourself frustrated, and get a case of the “fuck-its”.
Second, emphasize PROTEIN.
Protein should always be your main macronutrient, whether you’re on vacation or not.
Eat plenty of protein.
Eat the steak.
Double the chicken.
Make your breakfasts omelettes and ham.
The protein will reduce your hunger, and your overall calories naturally.
Third, watch the snacking and junk food.
This is where vacations will really get ‘cha.
If you’re going to be snacking non-stop on processed junk, then yeah, you’ll gain some body fat.
Eat big, filling, tasty meals.
But don’t be mindlessly snacking on candy and bullshit.
That never ends well…
Fourth, be sensible with the alcohol intake.
Sugary margaritas and “beach drinks” might sound like a good idea.
But not only will they dehydrate you when you’re in the sun, they’ll also add tons of calories to your diet via sugar.
Your best bet is always a shot of unflavored liquor (no “Fireball” or “Captain” here) with a zero calorie mixer.
Just take it easy… have some drinks, but don’t have all the drinks…
That way, you can enjoy your drink and buzz responsibly and still remember your vacation.
Fifth, stay hydrated.
Hydration often goes out the window when you’re on vacation.
Pack a water bottle and be sipping from it constantly.
Thirst is often mistaken for hunger.
If you stay properly hydrated, your overall calories will reduce themselves naturally, without needing to do anything else.
And finally… eat the dessert. It’ll be okay…
Go ahead and live a little.
After all, it IS vacation.
Have a sensible portion of dessert.
Get the ice cream, or the cheesecake.
Just don’t binge, and don’t go nuts.
Savor every bite, and smile – and enjoy the moment.
Your super strict diet will be waiting for you when you return…
N.W.A. Vacation Mindset Tip Of The Week
The only piece of advice I can give you here?
Chill out and enjoy your vacation.
Fitness isn’t meant to run your life.
It’s meant to enhance your life.
Whenever I go on vacation, the people I’m with say things like:
“Do we need to find a restaurant that serves chicken and broccoli?”
“We’re going out for ice cream, Jason, I’m sure you’ll try to find a protein shake.”
“Sorry, man, there’s no gyms here, are you going to be okay with that?”
They are always surprised when I’m getting dessert, ordering whatever I want, and not working out while on vacation.
Your body and health are not functions of what you do a couple of weeks per year on vacation.
They’re functions of what you do on all the other, normal, routine days throughout the year.
So train hard and eat right on those normal days.
And enjoy your vacation for what it is – a time away from the grind of life, and a time to reflect and make memories with your friends and family.
One Favorite Social Media Post Of The Week:
Lift to get stronger and build muscle.
Zone 2 cardio (walking) for heart health and longevity.
Diet for fat loss to get under 15% body fat (for men – 25% body fat for women).
Sleep for recovery and well being.
Sauna for relaxation and flushing out the toxins.
This is the way.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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