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Man, I’m glad y’all set it off,
Claim you’re a lifter but now you’re just wet and soft,
Said you were down with the protein,
Thought you were gettin’ jacked but now you’re just gettin’ lean…
– Ice Cube (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each Friday’s N.W.A. Newsletter will have 3 parts:
- A Nutritional Tip to help make your diet healthier and easier to stick to.
- A Workout Tip to help make your training sessions more effective and fun.
- An Attitude/Mindset tip to help you strengthen your greatest asset – your mental toughness.
I will also give you my single favorite piece of social media content from AF over the past week and link to it on either Instagram or Twitter.
Without any further ado… let’s get started, shall we?
N.W.A. Nutrition (and Training) Tip Of The Week
When I first got into lifting, I tried really “hard”.
I would go to the gym and my #1 goal was to be “tired” at the end of my workout.
I would use short rest periods.
I would run around the gym between sets to get my heart rate up.
I would try to be sure my t-shirt was soaked through in sweat.
I would aim for being “sore” the next day above all else.
After 2 years of doing this, my results were mediocre at best.
I knew I was doing something wrong… so one day, as I looked around the gym, I spotted a guy I thought could give me some advice.
He was in his mid-50’s with jet black hair.
His forearms were vascular and thick.
His legs and calves were like tree trunks.
He was 6 feet tall, but he looked like he weighed 220 pounds at 8% body fat.
He was a beast of a man – if anyone could help, it would be this guy.
So, I sucked up my ego, walked over to him, and asked for advice.
I told him how “hard” I had been working out in the gym.
I told him I was trying to get into good shape, but it just wasn’t working.
And I asked him what his “secrets” were…
I’ll never forget what he told me…
It’s pretty simple, really.
Eat LOTS of protein – at every meal, make half of your calories protein.If you’re trying to lose fat, cut back on the carbs and fats.If you’re trying to gain muscle, eat some extra carbs and fats, and a healthy snack from time to time.Train your entire body – chest, back, shoulders, hamstrings, and quads.Get stronger in every exercise you do.Track your workouts.And try to beat your numbers.Get lots of sleep.Drink lots of water.
And keep doing it forever – and you’ll eventually look like me.
I thanked him for his time.
But at the time, I thought his answer sucked.
He didn’t tell me any “secrets”!
He didn’t tell me the super secret workouts that will put muscle on my body.
He didn’t tell me the cutting edge, biohacking diet to strip the fat off of me.
He didn’t give me the latest supplement guaranteed to kick my results into overdrive.
Instead, he just gave me some basic advice… I was kind of bummed, to be honest with you…
Shortly after I chatted with him, I started researching the best ways to lose fat and build muscle, and I started applying those principals on myself.
I did low-carb.
I did no-carb.
I did low-fat.
I used intermittent fasting.
I tried eating 4-5 meals per day.
And I took diligent records and notes on how my body changed with each protocol.
After years of experimentation on myself, I began coaching others.
And a few years after that, I had hundreds, if not thousands of data points from other people trying various protocols.
And guess what my advice is to YOU?
- Eat plenty of protein; make each meal 50% protein
- If you’re trying to lose fat, eat less carbs and fats
- If you’re trying to gain muscle, eat some extra carbs and fats, and maybe some healthy snacks
- Train your whole body (chest, back, shoulders, and legs)
- Use progressive overload and get stronger with every exercise
- Track your workouts and try to beat your numbers
- Get plenty of sleep
- Drink lots of water
- And above all, have PATIENCE – because the fitness game lasts forever, and this stuff takes a long time
Sound familiar?
It reminds me of this Bruce Lee quote…
Before I learned the art, a punch was just a punch, and a kick was just a kick.
As I was learning the art, a punch was MORE than a punch, and a kick was MORE than a kick.
After I mastered the art, a punch was just a punch, and a kick was just a kick.
Just some food for thought for you today.
IF you need a kickstart, Full Access: Anyman Fitness will shred fat faster than you’d ever believe. The average client loses 15 pounds and 3″ off their waist in the first 6 weeks of working with us.
You can join our squad for just $20 for your first month here.
N.W.A. Mindset Tip Of The Week
Age ain’t nothin’ but a number…
If you’re looking to get into great shape, improve your health, and increase your longevity, you need to do 2 things:
- Lose the body fat
- Lift weights and get strong
I do not care how old you are.
I don’t care if you’re 18 or 80.
Man or woman.
White, black, brown, or purple.
THAT is the path to health and success.
Sometimes we will get inquiries into our coaching programs from an older person, and they say to us, “What programs do you have for older people?”
My response is “All of our programs are for older people.”
They’re also for younger people.
Obese people.
Lean people.
They’re for EVERYONE.
Nobody expects you to go into the gym and bench press 300 pounds if you’re in your 60’s (or older) and you’ve never lifted weights before.
But that’s the beauty of strength training.
The weights themselves are the variable.
You start light with something you can handle, and you slowly build yourself up to make improvements.
Take Larry for example; Larry is 61 years old.
Check out the incredible transformation he made with our 1:1 coaching program (and Coach Sean’s guidance):
Larry could have easily said “lifting weights is too difficult for me, I’m too old for that.”
But instead, he simply did the best he could.
And he got leaner.
And healthier.
Larry told us, “I thought for sure I was going to be a ‘fat, old guy’, but here I am, a healthy old guy, and I’ve never felt better!”
Boom. I love it.
You are NEVER “too old” to lift weights.
There’s always work around if you have an injury.
Lifting weights isn’t about being a powerlifter.
It’s about improving your strength, protecting you from falls as you age, and ensuring you don’t become frail and weak over time.
Looking for motivation and killer results, just like Larry?
If you’d like to speak with Coach Sean about his 1:1 coaching program, just hit “reply” and I will connect you with him.
One Favorite Social Media Post Of The Week:
This is your reminder that weekend calories COUNT.
Don’t burn down the house you spent all week building.
– Captain Buzzkill
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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Waaaay before Hit ‘Em Up, this track was the hardest dis track in gangsta rap… (NSFW – language)