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Gimmie the squat rack first, and I’mma bust like a bubble,
Anyman Fitness back together, now you know you in trouble,
‘Cuz ain’t nothin’ but a gym thang, baby,
2 jacked gym partners goin’ crazy,
The barbell is the tool that pays me,
I’m unfadeable, so please don’t try to fade me…
– Snoop (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
In today’s issue of The N.W.A. Newsletter, I’m going to give you 26 simple tips I WISH someone had told me when I started my weight loss journey, losing 85 pounds in the process.
I will also give you my single favorite piece of social media content from AF over the past week and link to it on either Instagram or Twitter.
Without any further ado… let’s get started, shall we?
26 Things I Wish I Knew Before Losing 85 Pounds:
1. “Carbs” are not the enemy, they’re a part of a balanced, healthy diet.
2. “Healthy” doesn’t equal “fat loss”, being in a calorie deficit does.
3. You will be hungry at times – deal with it; hunger is proof you’re losing fat.
4. Zero foods “cause” fat loss, being in a calorie deficit does.
5. Track your intake diligently – it will save you time in the long run.
6. Drink water, and lots of it, especially while dieting.
7. Fizzy, diet drinks are a great tool to use; they fill you up, reduce hunger, and satisfy your sweet tooth.
8. Lift weights on a REAL program 3-4 times per week, track your workouts, and try to improve each week.
9. Stop dining out so frequently, it makes everything 100x harder.
10. Get into a community of like minded people for support.
11. Walking > jogging for fat loss, get your steps up and move more.
12. Go to bed earlier; a lack of sleep makes you hungrier.
13. “Insulin” doesn’t equal fat gain, eating too many calories over time does.
14. Losing fat is hard, but being obese is way harder.
15. Nobody cares what you look like with your shirt off other than you.
16. Fear no foods, but pay attention to how you feel after eating them, and adjust your choices accordingly.
17. You can lose weight while eating junk food, but it’s way harder that way.
18. Not everyone will be supportive; do it for YOU, not them.
19. Learn to say “NO” and mean it, others will try to sabotage you, it’s “crabs in a bucket” mentality.
20. Learn to cook simple meals you enjoy that align with your goals.
21. If hunger is an issue, real food trumps protein shakes.
22. Breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day; that’s a scam created by cereal lobbyists.
23. Sleep more; sell your children if you have to and use the money to buy a better bed.
24. There are no “fat burning exercises”, you burn fat by eating less calories than you need.
25. Nobody loses weight if they’re not in a calorie deficit.
26. Mind your calories FIRST, focus on food quality SECOND.
Don’t ever quit. The ONLY way you can “lose” is if you give up. There will be ups and downs along the way, but if you stick on your grind, you’re guaranteed to win.
With summer rapidly approaching, our coaching spots are filling up quickly.
If you’d like to check out our group coaching offer, Full Access: Anyman Fitness, you can lose up to 10 pounds and 3″ off your waist in the first month for just $20 (46% off).
One Favorite Social Media Post Of The Week:
On the weekends, my meals are much lower carb, borderline Keto.
I’m less active on the weekends (being a chauffeur to kids), so this is an easy way to compensate.
(See an example of my weekend meals at the link below).
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I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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Forever a classic, this is one of my go-to karaoke songs. (NSFW – lyrics)