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Here’s a little story, I got ta tell,
About 3 killer coaches, you know so well,
It started way back in history,
With coaches Patrick, Sean, and J, you see.
– Mike D (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each Friday’s N.W.A. Newsletter will have 3 parts:
- A Nutritional Tip to help make your diet healthier and easier to stick to.
- A Workout Tip to help make your training sessions more effective and fun.
- An Attitude/Mindset tip to help you strengthen your greatest asset – your mental toughness.
I will also give you my single favorite piece of social media content from AF over the past week and link to it on either Instagram or Twitter.
Without any further ado… let’s get started, shall we?
N.W.A. Nutrition Tip Of The Week
Want to know one of the most effective fat loss tips, that’s also one of the most difficult fat loss tips to follow?
Make your weekend diet exactly like your weekday diet.
I think I can hear the sound of thousands of people instantly unsubscribing… 🙂
But hear me out… I didn’t say the “most fun” fat loss tip, I said the most effective…
The weekends are always more difficult than the weekdays when it comes to dieting.
Which is a huge conundrum.
People are super busy during the week; most people are “gogogogogo” from the moment they wake up on Monday morning until Friday after 5 pm rolls around.
Wouldn’t it make more sense for dieting to be EASIER on the weekends?
I mean, after all, you have more time to plan your meals, make healthy foods, and “focus” on your diet, right?
But there in lies the dichotomy of dieting.
You do NOT want to “focus” on your diet.
You want your diet to be background noise.
You want it to be automatic.
You want it to be something you don’t even give a thought to.
You want to “set it and forget it” (to steal a line from those awful infomercials from the 90’s).
Being distracted is actually one of the best ways to diet.
Get so busy with your daily tasks that you don’t even think about food (more on this thought in the motivation section below).
But it’s no secret that most people do better on their diets during the week than they do on the weekends.
On almost every single 1:1 client questionnaire we get, the client tells us how much they struggle with their diets on Saturday and Sunday.
Which makes sense – you worked hard all week long.
Whether you see your weekend splurges as a “reward” or simply a chance to let your guard down, it’s easy to overindulge on the weekends if you’re not careful.
So, here’s a small idea for you… this weekend, pretend your Saturday is exactly like a weekday, diet wise.
Yes, it’s boring, but I would posture the thought of it is worse than the actual application.
Wake up and eat your “standard dieting breakfast”, and your “standard dieting lunch”.
Enjoy your dinner, but don’t go too crazy; you might be dining out, which is 100% fine.
And do the same on Sunday.
I want you to report back to me on Monday and tell me how it went.
IF you’re not down a few pounds using this simple strategy, I’d be shocked.
Sometimes, if you want results, you’ll have to sacrifice something.
And staying “locked in” all 7 days per week virtually ensures progress is being made.
N.W.A. Workout Tip Of The Week
Your body doesn’t hurt because it needs rest.
Your body hurts because you’re resting too much.
This tip isn’t for the “regular gym goers” out there – this one is for the sedentary folks who are reading along.
If you haven’t been to the gym in ages, I want you to listen very closely here…
Because today’s workout tip is for you specifically…
Your body is meant to MOVE.
Movement is healing.
Movement is medicine.
Movement is what makes all those little aches, pains, and dings go away over time.
It sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true.
I’ve witnessed it in my own life, and I’ve seen it in thousands of clients over the last 10 years…
When you don’t actively move your body, your physicality begins to deteriorate.
When you don’t strength train, your muscles begin to atrophy (get smaller).
And when those things happen, your body starts to hurt.
In essence, you feel the pain of inactivity, and it manifests itself in the following ways:
- Sore lower back
- Achy knees, shins, and ankles
- Tender shoulders and traps
- General lethargy and sluggishness
- Discomfort when standing from a seated position
- Difficulty/pain getting onto the floor and getting back up
The least active I’ve been in my adult life was in the year after my first daughter, Brooklyn was born.
I didn’t go to the gym very consistently during that year, and my body paid the price.
I was teaching school at the time, and I remember being insanely tired pretty much every day (I’m sure the lack of sleep had a bit to do with it).
But I was of the mindset that I needed to “rest” during my freetime, since I wasn’t getting much sleep.
Because of that, I rarely worked out.
My knees and ankles were always sore.
I would get sharp pains and cramps in my traps while I was teaching.
My lower back would randomly ache for no reason.
I thought it was because I was so tired from the sleepless nights of having a child.
But in reality, I was untrained, and my body was deteriorating.
It actually zapped me of my energy instead of making me feel more energized.
Contrast this to when my 2nd daughter, Ava, was born 2 years later.
I had established the habit of strength training and I was in the midst of a massive physical transformation.
I kept up my routine, finding little times to get my weight lifting sessions in, no matter what.
I stayed dedicated to my physical improvement no matter what, even if it meant a bit of a lack of sleep.
And ALL of those aches and pains never materialized; in fact, I felt better physically than I had ever felt in my life, at the age of 31.
I’m not telling you this to flex or brag.
I’m telling you this so you know how it works.
If your body is aching, and you’re not exercising, that should tell you something.
You are slowly breaking down, bit by bit.
Day by day.
Week by week.
Month by month.
And year by year.
The good news is it’s not too late.
But one day, it will be…
Be sure you’re not caught letting your life pass you by.
The pain of inactivity is always more painful long term than the pain of exercising.
Looking to shred fat and start transforming your body?
We got you, just take a look at the hundreds of people we’ve helped.
You can get your 1st month of Full Access: Anyman Fitness for just 20 bucks at this link.
N.W.A. Mindset Tip Of The Week
One of the most infamous studies on delayed gratification is the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment, which was conducted in 1970.
The experiment was simple:
A researcher took a group of children, and one by one, put them in a room with a table.
On the table was a marshmallow.
The children were told they could eat the marshmallow now if they wanted.
But if they refrained from eating the marshmallow for 15 minutes, they would be given a second marshmallow.
Some kids just couldn’t resist and ate the marshmallow right away.
Kids, amirite?
And some kids were able to make it the entire 15 minutes, and were given a second marshmallow as a reward.
These kids were then tracked throughout their lives.
The kids who were able to delay gratification had more positive life outcomes, including:
- Higher SAT scores
- More academic success
- Lower obesity rates
- Lower BMI’s
- More financial success
While this is pretty interesting, it’s a pretty obvious conclusion, right?
People who are able to delay gratification tend to do better in life.
That’s not a new concept.
If you’re able to delay your reward for a better reward down the road, it seems reasonable that you’re a disciplined person who’s able to do good things for “The Future You”…
But that’s not the part of this experiment I want to highlight for you today.
I want to discuss how the kids who delayed gratification accomplished their goal of not eating the marshmallow.
THAT’S the part I find SUPER interesting…
When the scientists studied the kids in the room alone with the marshmallow, they made a discovery.
The kids who didn’t eat the marshmallow universally tried to distract themselves from the marshmallow.
They pretended like the marshmallow wasn’t there.
Some kids turned their bodies away from the marshmallow and didn’t look at it.
Some kids got under the table so they wouldn’t be tempted.
Some kids went and sat in the corner and stared at the walls.
One girl even started “petting” the marshmallow, pretending it was her “pet” or “child” to humanize the marshmallow so she wouldn’t eat it.
Strange, eh?
But low and behold, it worked…
So, what’s your takeaway?
When dieting, idle hands are the devil’s tools.
You do NOT want to “stare at the marshmallow” of dieting.
You do NOT want to even think about dieting.
You just want it to be your background noise.
The most important part of that equation is PLANNING!
You need to have a gameplan and plan your meals in advance (at least one day).
You should ALWAYS know what you’ll eat the next day before you go to bed.
That way, you won’t need to “think” about your diet.
You’ll just eat whatever you have planned, without active thought.
You won’t be “staring at the marshmallow”, you’ll just be going about your day, distracted from the idea that you’re dieting at all.
I hope you find this study and anecdote useful.
If I’m deep into a diet, I always try to get busy and forget about my diet.
It just makes it easier that way.
The more I sit around and think about things, the more I end up staring at the marshmallow, so to speak.
Get busy, and get distracted, and dieting becomes 100x easier over time.
Looking for motivation and killer results?
You can check out our testimonials page here to see what kind of results you can expect from our program. We’ve worked with everyone from NYT best selling authors, to business owners, to teachers, to stay at home moms and dads (and grandparents!).
And you can get your 1st month of Full Access: Anyman Fitness for just 20 bucks at this link.
One Favorite Social Media Post Of The Week:
Some FIAH results from 1:1 client Jess.
Jess has been coached by the man himself, Coach Patrick – and they’ve been CRUSHING it together.
She’s down 15 pounds and 5” off her waist so far.
Insane work here!
Follow Coach Patrick on Twitter here – if you’d like to chat about a program with him, hit “reply” and comment “INFO” and I’ll connect you with him.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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Client Testimonials and Results
It’s crazy to me that Public Enemy was so ahead of their time… their song from 1990, “911 Is A Joke” talked of the slow response times of the police and ambulance in lower income areas. (NSFW – language)