Subscribe to the NWA Newsletter Here
To all the lifters in the place with style and grace,
Allow me to lace these lyrical gains in your face.
Who rocks gyms and makes moves with all the gym bros?
The deadlift platform, sippin’ whey protein is where I go.
– Biggie (probably)
You know the drill, if you’re the first person to respond and tell me the Biggie song I’m parodying, you’ll get a free t-shirt from our Swag Shop, on the house.
You’d better move fast, though… the shirt gets nabbed in minutes each week!
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Attitude Tip Of The Week
This is one of my favorite fitness quotes.
It’s from James Clear, the author of the NYT bestselling book Atomic Habits (and my personal client).
This little quote highlights why it’s so damn difficult to make fitness “stick” long term, and build up the proper habits that will help you get in shape.
Some things you do have an immediate impact.
If you drink that beer, your body will be flooded with dopamine, you’ll feel that slight burning sensation going down your throat, and you’ll feel a small wave of euphoria wash over you (that’s the dopamine).
That is an IMMEDIATE cause-and-effect response, right there in your face.
If you don’t drink that beer, you’ll sit there with your water, watching everyone else enjoy their beers, and you might be a Mr (or Mrs) Grumpy-pants because of it.
There is no immediate benefit for you NOT drinking the beer.
Or not eating the cake.
Or not ordering the pizza.
Or getting a weight session in.
Or taking a 60 minute walk today.
The benefit for denying yourself these hedonistic pleasures, and sticking to your fitness plan, comes down the road.It comes weeks from now.
Or maybe months. Possibly years.
But it’s coming eventually.
Your fitness isn’t a reflection of what you’ve done TODAY, it’s a reflection of what you’ve done over the last year (or 5 years, really).
And THAT is what makes it so difficult.
If we did one workout and magically had a 6 pack, everyone would have a 6 pack.
If we skipped the beer once and all of a sudden had a 32 inch waist, a heck of a lot more people wouldn’t drink alcohol.
But you have to do it over and over again, and there in lies the issue.
To “win” in fitness you have to have that one good day over and over again.
And eventually, you’ll get the “carrot” at the end of the stick.
But here’s the thing… the time will pass anyways.
That’s the funny thing about time.
It WILL be a year from now in one year.
It’s guaranteed.
And when you look back at what you did over the past year, will you be able to be proud of how much you’ve improved?
Or will you still be waiting for “the right time” to make positive steps towards your physical health?
Something to think about.
N.W.A. Client Of The Week
This week, I’d like to give a shout out to T.J., a 41 year old client of ours who just finished a 6 month stint in our 1:1 coaching program.
In 6 months, T.J. lost an astonishing 64 pounds and 59 inches off his body working with Coach Sean.
Here is T.J.’s remarkable before and after picture:
We set T.J. up with a simple and straight forward gameplan for success.
First, we gave him protein, carbohydrate, and fat targets to aim for each day.
No foods were off limits.
We wanted T.J. to eat his favorite foods during his “diet”.
The reason I put “diet” in quotations is because by doing this, it was barely even a “diet”…
It is a “diet” if you eat all your favorite foods, you simply do so in the right portion sizes to align with your goals and metabolism?
No, it’s not.
It’s simply adjusting your intake and changing your lifestyle.
You’d be amazed at how quickly your body will change when you zone in on this simple concept (just ask T.J….)
Second, we set him up with a 3 day per week strength training program.
Strength training with a real, full body program is the most important exercise you can do when dieting for fat loss.
Your muscle is at a premium; you do not want to lose ANY of your muscle when dieting.
This goes for both men and women alike.
You want to be training your full body and lifting as heavily as you safely can the entire time.
No pink dumbbells.
No super high reps.
Hard and heavy, to preserve your muscle, and make sure it all sticks around.
If you don’t do this, your metabolism will drop quickly, and you’ll find it difficult to maintain your weight loss over time.
And third, we set a simple, daily step target for him.
Cardio in the traditional sense was not required.
We seldom assign clients to do “cardio”, and Coach Sean didn’t program any for T.J., either.
But we DID want him to get his steps in each day.
But not for fat loss or calorie burn, just to be active, reduce stress, and sleep better at night.
Most importantly, Coach Sean held T.J. accountable, helped him through his struggles, and adjusted his program as needed.
The most intelligent and driven people in the world ALL have fitness coaches.
They outsource their training programs and nutrition, and allow someone else – someone with experience – to guide them through it.
And the result?
Astonishing – congratulations, T.J.
This is truly inspiring work – and to accomplish this in 6 months is tremendous!
There is no greater ROI than an investment in your own health.
Heck, I’ve hired fitness coaches before myself!
And so have many of my colleagues…
Many moons ago, when I was building Anyman Fitness, teaching school full time, and had 2 kids in diapers, I just didn’t want to deal with my own training and nutrition.
So I hired a colleague of mine and purchased a program from him.
I needed the accountability.
I needed to have “one less thing” to think about.
And guess what?
I lost 23 pounds in 3 months and got into great shape.
When you need to optimize your taxes, you hire a CPA.
When you need to optimize your investments, you hire a financial advisor.
When you need to optimize your living space, you hire an interior designer.
But when you need to optimize your health, which is arguably the most important possession you have, you think “nah, I can do this on my own”, even if your results are lacking and you’re not making any progress.
Think about that.
Sometimes, us humans just don’t make no sense…
If you have work to do physically, the above testimonial highlights the kind of results you can expect from Full Access: Anyman Fitness, our affordable group coaching option.
You’ll have access to a personalized nutritional program and strength training workouts and have a streamlined plan to make breakneck progress for a price that can’t be beat.
Use this link to get your first month for just $20.
Favorite AF Content Of The Week:
If you’re not in your 20’s any more, you likely know the feeling.
All of a sudden, the same dietary habits that kept you lean up to this point are causing weight gain.
Perhaps it began after you graduated college.
Perhaps it was after you had kids.
Or perhaps it was when you hit your 40’s.
It can be frustrating to think you’re being healthy and active, and still see the pounds piling on each year.
It’s enough to leave you searching for answers.
Is it your hormones?
Is something medically wrong?
Or is it a case of a “broken metabolism”?
To find this answer, let’s dive in and see what makes up your metabolism, and find out how to improve the situation.
Read more here with my latest article from Social House News, “The Only Metabolism Hack You’ll Ever Need”.
If you own a business in SE Michigan and you’d like to be featured in Social House News, hit “reply” and let me know!
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
Read the N.W.A. Newsletter Archives
Client Testimonials and Results
Just a party anthem for the ladies… (NSFW – language)