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I go… on and on and on and…
Don’t take me to the gym unless we liftin’…
Text my boy on the phone an’…
Tell him it’s time get get swole, man…
– Biggie (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Age-Defying Tips Of The Week
In today’s newsletter, I’m going to break something down for you… how to age like a fine wine…
I’m 42 years old.
And as such, I’m getting up there, age wise.
I’m not a “spring chicken” any longer, that’s for sure.
My girls are about to hit high school, and I keep thinking to myself, “Holy sh*t, they’ll be out of the house in 10 years!”
It’s a wild thought, that’s for sure, all the sappy country songs are right, time really does fly by…
But that doesn’t mean you need to look and feel like an old man or an old woman.
Far from it.
Have you ever heard of “The Wall”?
The Wall is a term used to describe the age at which a man or woman all of a sudden looks “old”.
Usually “The Wall” begins around 40 years old or so, according to what you believe on the internet.
But The Wall doesn’t have to come for you if you do the right things…
Hollywood has plenty examples of this…
Take Salma Hayek, who looks pretty much the same in her late 50’s as she did in her 20’s:
Same can be said for Tom Cruise as well:
I know what you’re going to say…
You’re going to say “Well, that’s easy for them, they’re millionaires and they all get plastic surgery…”
Maybe there’s some validity to that, but there’s also a lot of cope in that statement as well.
You may not have access to the nutritionists, trainers, and various hormonal therapies Hollywood celebs have, but you can still follow the basics, which will get you 95% of the way there.
What are the basics?
Let’s take Salma for example.
According to this article, Salma:
- Eats a balanced diet overall (do NOT do the juice cleanses Salma does, they’re unnecessary and borderline dangerous)
- Is sure to include treats from time to time so she doesn’t feel restricted
- Is active on most days
- Regularly walks her dogs and swims
- Does high intensity interval training and lifts weights
And Tom?
According to this article, Tom:
- Eats a low calorie diet (a bit too low for my tastes, it’s relatively extreme)
- Eats lots of lean protein
- Lifts weights 3 days per week
- Gets activity on 2 other days per week
- Takes the entire weekend off
It’s safe to say these two have both cracked the code on how to defy aging.
Here are the basics to looking at least 10 years younger than your age.
If you follow these rules, and strive to use them as your personal goals, you’ll soon look and feel significantly younger than you are.
There are in the order of importance, too.
Age Defying Rule #1: Don’t be overweight
It’s a tough reality, but being overweight ages you… quickly.
If you want to look and feel younger, you will need to be at a healthy body fat percentage.
For men, the number to aim for is 15% body fat.
For women, that number is 25% body fat.
Those body fat percentages can be challenging to attain, but they are achievable for most of the general population with some discipline and dedication.
Age Defying Rule #2: Lift weights 3 times per week, minimum, in a full body fashion (and use progressive overload)
It’s not enough to “lift weights”.
You need to lift weights with purpose.
You need to have a full body strength training program you follow each and every week.
You need to track your workouts and your performance for every workout.
You need to always be striving to add a few more reps, or a few more pounds to each lift.
This is progressive overload, and it’s the only way to get a positive benefit from strength training.
Just “winging it” isn’t good enough.
Your body will not retain its muscle by using the same 15 pound dumbbells over and over and over again.
Get stronger, and reap the benefits.
Age defying Rule #3: Be active and get your steps in
You can’t just get your lifts in and sit on the couch if you’re not lifting.
You need to be active, in general.
Whether you do traditional “cardio” (running, jogging, elliptical, etc) is up to you; it’s not entirely necessary.
But getting 8-10k steps per day is…
Walking briskly is a cheat code to weight management and well being.
If you don’t want to walk, then do something.
Play pickleball.
Shoot hoops.
Play golf; skip the cart and walk the course.
Whatever – it’s your call.
It will be hard to defy aging if you’re not moving your body on a regular basis, though.
Age Defying Rule #4: Sleep 7 hours per night, minimum
The importance of sleep and its impact on aging cannot be understated.
Sleep rejuvenates your body at the cellular level.
Sleep helps your body repair its tissue after a hard workout.
Sleep lowers your stress and cortisol levels, which both can age you prematurely.
Sleep reduces hunger and makes staying at a healthy weight easier.
There’s a reason they call it “beauty rest”.
If you want to be beautiful, you need it, so be sure to get your zzz’s.
Age Defying Rule #5: Avoid alcohol (or minimize it, at least)
Did you hear that?
That was the sound of 34,000 people cussing me out! (LOL)
Sorry to burst your bubble, but no amount of alcohol is “healthy” for you.
And it prematurely ages you, disrupts your sleep, and lowers your immune system.
It’s best to avoid it if you want to look and feel your best.
Every once in awhile, at the gym, one of the “young bucks” will start chatting with me.
They ask me how old I am, and I tell them “42”.
The look on their face when I say that always gives me a nice ego boost.
I frequently get told I look like I’m in my early 30’s.
Usually only when my facial hair is trimmed up short, and you can’t see the grey… 🙂
I’m not saying this to brag, but to highlight a point.
If you:
- Stay under 15% body fat
- Lift weights and train hard
- Get your steps in each night
- Sleep well at night
You’re nearly guaranteed to look much younger than you are.
It’s not just me, either here’s a few examples from our coaching program…
Check out Amy, who recently posted her progress pictures in our community – check out how much younger she looks after a 64 pound weight loss:
James is another excellent example. He’s 50 years old, and has lost 60 pounds in our coaching program:
You know what else you can see in someone’s eyes after a change like this?
There’s an “x factor” after you’ve gotten into great shape.
You have a “twinkle” in your eye and you hold your head up high.
It’s hard to quantify, but you know it when you see it.
Age ain’t nothin’ but a number… 50 is the new 30, I swear!
Get out there and get after it!
If you have work to do to hit the above criteria for anti-aging, you should check out Full Access: Anyman Fitness, our affordable group coaching option.
You’ll have access to a personalized nutritional program and strength training workouts and have a streamlined plan to look much younger than you are.
Use this link to get your first month for just $20.
One Favorite Social Media Post Of The Week:
It’s kind of wild that doctors only spend a few hours total in class studying nutrition.
And then they spend 99% of their careers diagnosing illnesses and prescribing pills that are the direct result of poor nutrition and lifestyle choices.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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13 year old me laughed my butt off at the opening to this song… big warning… it’s very NSFW…