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At night I can’t sleep, I toss and turn,
Bags of candy in the dark, visions of progress being burned,
Halloween just staring at a lifter,
I’m paranoid, waiting for my waistline to get bigger.
– Geto Boys (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Nutrition Tip Of The Week
Halloween is Tuesday.
Halloween was always one of my favorite days of the year as a kid.
And I won’t lie – now that I have kids, I enjoy it even more.
You mean there’s a holiday where you can dress up like your favorite ghoul, ghost, goblin, or celebrity, and people give you candy just for doing it?
Heck yeah, sign me up!
Sounds like a good time.
I’ve always been a fan of horror movies, haunted houses, and the general spookiness of Halloween.
But as a fitness and nutrition coach, I find graphics like this much scarier than any poltergeist out there…
Everyone has a different angle and view when it comes to their nutrition.
There’s a psychology around food we all have engrained inside of us; much of it is due to our childhood and upbringing.
Our relationship with food is formed during our younger years; some of us have a bigger uphill battle to climb than others.
The mental framework of needing to “punish” yourself after indulging a bit isn’t a positive mental framework to have.
Trust me, I’ve been there before. This used to be my frame of thought, many moons ago.
It’s common to assign morality to your fitness.
We view how we’re doing in terms of black and white, with no greys.
Things are binary – we’re either being “good” or we’re being “bad”.
And just like a child, if we’re being “bad”, we feel like we must be punished.
And because of this, we resort to crazy and unsustainable diets…
You feel like you’ve been “bad”, so you decide to do a 48 hour fast.
You feel like you’ve been “bad”, so you go on a week long “juice cleanse”.
You feel like you’ve been “bad”, so you decide to put yourself through a grueling, 2 hour workout to “atone for your sins”.
This is not a smart way to view your health.
Your health isn’t seen in binary terms, and there is no morality when it comes to your fitness routine.
If you eat healthy food, you’re not a “good person”.
Nor are you a “bad person”.
You just ate some healthy food.
That’s it and that’s all.
If you eat a few pieces of candy on Tuesday, you’re not a “bad person”.
Nor are you a “good person”.
You just ate some candy.
That’s it and that’s all.
Sometimes people misconstrue the message… so let me clarify…
You should always be trying to eat healthy and exercise.
Lift your weights.
Eat your protein.
Drink your water.
Get your sleep.
But if every once in awhile, you’d like to indulge a bit, especially on the holidays, go for it!
I promise, you don’t have to do burpees, or wall sits, or hill sprints just because you decided to have a small treat.
This Tuesday, if you want a few pieces of candy, the best thing to do is have a few pieces, indulge a little bit, and turn the page on Wednesday.
Don’t feel any guilt.
Don’t feel any shame.
Just pretend like it didn’t happen, and get right back to business.
And of course, if you decide to refrain, that’s your choice, and it’s perfectly valid as well.
The holiday season is quickly approaching.
There are 5 main days of the holiday season:
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas
- New Year’s Eve
- New Years
Those are the “Big 5”.
And there are roughly 50 days of the entire holiday season.
90% of the days are “normal days”.
I always tell my clients the same thing this time of the year.
On the actual holidays themselves, have fun!
It’s just 5 days, so enjoy yourself guilt free.
But on the other 45 days of the holiday season, stay on track and take care of business.
Your health isn’t a function of one, single choice you make on one, single day.
It’s the cumulative effect of all the choices you make on all the other days of the year.
Happy Halloween!
N.W.A. Client Of The Week
This week, I’d like to give a shout out to Jordan, a 30 year old client of ours who popped into my inbox recently, showing off a stunning transformation.
Jordan is a high school teacher and father; he wanted to get into great shape for his upcoming wedding, so he joined our coaching program.
Jordan promptly lost 65 pounds in the process.
Here is Jordan’s remarkable before and after picture:
We set Jordan up with a simple and straight forward gameplan for success.
But the most important thing we did for Jordan was to give him the structure and accountability he needed to succeed.
Fitness is a funny domain.
It’s often seen as “free”, and as such, people are hesitant to invest in their fitness.
They say things like “I know how to do this, I just have to do it”.
And they repeat this mantra over and over again, but nothing changes as a result.
They just procrastinate and spin their wheels, and never truly make the progress they’re looking for.
I asked Jordan if I could show you his results to inspire others.
And Jordan was honored to do so:
It’s hearing and seeing the concrete, visual results of our community that keeps me driven as a fitness coach.
It’s so rewarding to have a small part in their journeys in improving their health.
Congratulations, Jordan, I’m thrilled for you and your new physique!
And congrats on your wedding as well – you’re one lucky man:
If you have work to do physically, the above testimonial highlights the kind of results you can expect from Full Access: Anyman Fitness, our affordable group coaching option.
You’ll have access to a personalized nutritional program and strength training workouts and have a streamlined plan to make breakneck progress for a price that can’t be beat.
Use this link to get your first month for just $20.
One Favorite Social Media Post Of The Week:
One of the most selfish things you can do is become complacent with your health. Eventually, you’ll become a burden to your loved ones.
Show them you respect their time and energy by respecting your body.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
Read the N.W.A. Newsletter Archives
Client Testimonials and Results
Maaaan the Geto Boys were rugged and raw… (NSFW – language)