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Alright stop what you’re doin’,
‘cuz I’m about to ruin,
the image and the style that you’re used to,
I sound funny, but yo, I’m helpin’ people, see,
so yo world, I hope you’re ready for me.
Shock G (probably)
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each Friday’s N.W.A. Newsletter will have 3 parts:
- A Nutritional Tip to help make your diet healthier and easier to stick to.
- A Workout Tip to help make your training sessions more effective and fun.
- An Attitude/Mindset tip to help you strengthen your greatest asset – your mental toughness.
I will also give you my single favorite piece of social media content from AF over the past week and link to it on either Instagram or Twitter.
Without any further ado… let’s get started, shall we?
N.W.A. Nutrition Tip Of The Week:
In our community, we track macronutrients – grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
This ensures we’re eating not only the right number of calories, but enough of each macronutrient as well.
This also allows us something not many nutrition programs offer:
The ability to eat anything with total food freedom, even while ‘dieting’.
There are limitless ways you can set up your diet when you’re tracking macronutrients.
You can use the same macro numbers every day if you prefer to keep things simple.
You can have high carb and low carb days if you like to eat BIG, carby meals a few times per week.
You can eat less during the week and more on the weekend to give yourself a bit more leeway on Saturdays and Sundays.
The possibilities are endless.
One of our favorite strategies to use with clients is to cycle our macronutrients.
Macro cycling, often called the ‘zig-zag’ approach, is when you eat more carbs/calories (and less fats) on days you train, and less carbs/calories (and more fats) on days you don’t.
This is a huge reason why our No Cardio Fat Shredding course gets such incredible results for our clients every time we run it.
The theory behind macro cycling is simple:
You need more food and carbs on the days you train, so we’ll set our diets up to absolutely MAXIMIZE our intake on the days we work out.
That means 3 days per week – on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays – we eat at least 150-200 grams of carbs per day.
It’s not uncommon to have members actually *complain* they can’t eat all their food!
While on a “DIET”!
What a great ‘problem’ to have!
I love food.
I’m guessing you do as well.
With a macro cycling approach, on your training days, you get to eat a load of carby goodness like fruits, veggies, rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, sorbet/low-fat ice cream – even cereal if you wish.
And on your rest days, you get to eat your cheeses, your nuts, your bacons/sausages, and your fattier ribeyes and pork dishes.
It allows for a fun and varied diet, all the while losing weight rapidly as you do it.
I personally macro cycled for 2 straight years as I ran the No Cardio Fat Shredding protocol – it allowed me to lose over 80 pounds of pure body fat and become stronger than ever before.
If you’re a foodie like I am and you haven’t yet found a nutritional strategy that will work for you, join us for NCFS.
You’ll receive an Early Bird Discount of $50 if you enroll today.
At midnight, Eastern Time, tonight, the price goes up for the remainder of the weekend.
N.W.A. Training Tip Of The Week:
One of the biggest mistakes people make when strength training is forgetting the “strength” part.
At the start of your weight lifting career, odds are good you’re going to be weak.
After all, you’re a beginner, and you need to learn the proper movements and build yourself up over time.
At least, that’s what you *should* do…
It’s common to come across a new client who has been lifting weights for awhile – often years.
But the strange thing is, when I check out their statistics, they’re not lifting very much weight in their workouts.
You certainly don’t need to be deadlifting 1,000 pounds to get into good shape, but it certainly highlights something important:
Getting strong should always be your 1st goal when you begin training.
One of the most important variables in training is the overall training load you’re using.
Aka, “how much weight you have on the bar”.
From the jump, you should set yourself up with a proper rep range and each time you complete your sets in the proper rep range, you increase the weight 5 pounds.
This is called ‘progressive overload’, and it forms the basis of all strength training and weight lifting.
But here’s the thing… many people think the weight should feel “light” or “easy” before they move up 5 pounds.
That sort of thinking is misguided – the weight will never feel light or easy until you’ve conquered it and moved well past it.
There’s an old adage that comes to mind: “The only way to make 100 pounds feel light is to master 200 pounds.”
I love that quote, and there’s a lot of truth to it.
One of the reasons No Cardio Fat Shredding gets such eye-popping results is it uses a basic, linear approach to strength training.
The workouts are dead-simple.
Often times people will ask me if I’m sure they shouldn’t be doing fancier workouts, like hopping around on bosu balls and doing big, complex circuits…
And of course, they stop asking those questions a few weeks in after they’re down dozens of inches and they’re losing fat rapidly…
But strength drives progress, and when you increase 5 pounds across the board in every exercise each workout, the gains start coming to you faster than ever.
It doesn’t make sense to kill yourself with dozens of sets per workout until you’ve built up the proper amount of strength.
If you want to chase a pump, you’d better be strong enough to catch it!
If you need a pick-me-up and you’re ready to get stronger than you’ve ever been in your life, join us for No Cardio Fat Shredding today and take advantage of our Early Bird Pricing which expires at midnight tonight.
N.W.A. Attitude/Mindset Tip Of The Week:
6 minutes per week.
That’s all it takes…
Once upon a time, I thought I needed to destroy my body to get into proper shape.
Back before I started researching and learning about proper fitness methods, I would head into the gym with the sole purpose of making my workout as “difficult” as possible.
I’d go for short rest periods, high reps, lots of sweat, burning lungs, and general misery.
I thought I had to ‘sacrifice’ for my gains – if it wasn’t physically painful, it couldn’t be beneficial for me… right?
It took me some time to get rid of the mindset of Pain = Gains.
Pain, sweat, or vomit are not measures of progress.
Do you know what ARE measures of progress?
That’s what.
What I mean is, progress is verified by data.
You clearly see your improvements over the last week or training session when you take proper data.
This is another reason why No Cardio Fat Shredding is so powerful.
The amount of work you’re doing doesn’t align with your results.
You’re *barely* working out – you’re actually working out about 6 minutes total per week.
You think I’m making that up?
Hear me out…
No Cardio Fat Shredding has 2 distinct phases – Phase 1 and Phase 2.
In Phase 1 you perform 9 sets per workout, 3 times per week.
In Phase 2, you perform even less – 8 sets per workout, 3 times per week is all that’s required.
No short rest periods.
No cardio required.
No additional activity required, either.
Let’s see… how long do you think a set of 8-12 reps would take?
I’d guess 15 seconds per set at the absolute most. Probably less, honestly.
Sooooo, 15 seconds x 8 reps per session… that would be 120 seconds.
2 minutes per workout.
3 workouts per week.
For 6 minutes of training total for the entire week.
The rest of your time is spent between sets recovering, hydrating, or changing the song on your headphones.
It’s pretty wild you can work out for so *little* and still get incredible results.
The old me hated working out.
I’m not a fan of drenched shirts, burning lungs, and feeling like I’m going to vomit.
If you’re similar and you need something to get you into tip-top shape that won’t cause you to hate your life, consider changing your approach.
The goal isn’t to make it difficult to walk after your workouts.
The goal is always to be *just a little bit stronger* than you were last week.
If you keep that in the front of your mind at all times, it’s impossible for you to lose long term.
One Favorite Social Media Post Of The Week:
People still haven’t realized 45 minutes in the gym per day is a small price to pay for energy, vitality, and a vastly improved quality of life.
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I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Anyman Fitness
Read the N.W.A. Newsletter Archives
One of the most outspoken rappers in the East v West feud of the mid-1990’s was Tupac Shakur, who was signed to Death Row Records in California.
Ironically, Tupac grew up in New York and was an “East Coast” rapper before he joined Death Row.
“I Get Around” is Tupac’s most popular song before he joined up with Suge Knight and Dr. Dre –here he is with East Coast rap group Digital Underground back in 1993. (NSFW – lyrics)