Stalling On Leangains Progress? The First Piece Of Advice I’d Give You…….

I often receive inspiration for my posts from my clients. As I’ve said before, Leangains isn’t magic. Set your macronutrients wisely. Train hard. Eat big. Reap the benefits. But there’s gonna be some bumps along the way. And guess what?  That’s perfectly fine.  And okay.  And acceptable. When there’s a bump, it’s time to troubleshoot. […]

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable – And Reap The Benefits

It’s the dad of a toddler who runs to his child’s every whimper, cry, and whine and tries to fix it. It’s the out-of-shape soccer mom who runs for the fridge at the slightest twinge of hunger. It’s the 13-year old on the soccer team who seems to have an “asthmatic attack” every time the […]

IIFYM vs. “Clean Eating” – A Regular Guy’s Thoughts

You may notice a theme in most of my posts. Weightloss. It’s mainly what I’ve been focusing on. This is for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, there are very, very few people out there who are truly at a place, physically, where they don’t want to lose any more weight. Perhaps the chronically […]