Hey, Coach J here, hope you’re doing well!
I’d like to tell you a little bit about a brand new course we’re going to be starting on Monday next week: The Chad Dad Blueprint: Winter Gains.
We first ran this course in November of last year as a “Big Brother” to No Cardio Fat Shredding.
I’ve frequently been asked if we could create a program that’s more challenging, and focused around muscle building and improving your aesthetics.
This gave me pause and made me think… and realize something… I needed to serve my community better.
There are loads of people out there who don’t want to just do the bare minimum… they want to go all out.
And really see what they’re made of.
Last year, we held the first Chad Dad Blueprint course, and the results were spectacular.
Filled out shirt sleeves.
Inches gained in the chest, biceps, and quads.
Leaned out waists.
And most importantly – sky high confidence after rising to the Challenge of The Chad Dad Blueprint.
This is VERY different from any course you’ve taken with Anyman Fitness.
It’s designed around MEN – specifically all those Fathers out there who want MORE out of life…
With The Chad Dad Blueprint: Winter Gains, you will receive:
- 6 Weeks of Intense Training following the Chad Dad Program parameters (access to dumbbells is a minimum – a full gym is even better)
- 4 Days Per Week focusing on the Upper Body using only the most effective muscle and strength building compound movements.
- The infamous Wednesday Chad Dad Leg Day that will leave you trembling down the stairs in its wake – only the STRONG survive.
- Bring out your aesthetics using targeted isolation moves daily with The Chad Dad Superset.
- Hypertrophy Nutritional Targets *without* counting calories or macronutrients – cutting edge recommendations to maximize your structural gains while minimizing fat gains during the next 6 weeks (no tracking required)
- Chad Dad Habit Building – a series of daily Healthy Habits to master allowing you to have laser-like focus on improving your health and physical appearance
- Muscle Building Supplementation Recommendations – maximize your gains by utilizing the BEST (legal) supplements for physique improvements
- Guidance and Support from The Anyman Fitness Coaches – and a Community message board to support your fellow Dads in their journeys
- Lessons, Recipe Guides, an App for Tracking Your Workouts, and much, much more…
I thought about what to price the course.
No Cardio Fat Shredding’s regular price is $127.
I decided the cost of The Chad Dad Blueprint: Winter Gains would be a one time payment of $77.
But I’ll do you even better than that.
Since you’re in Full Access: Anyman Fitness with us, I’ll take an additional $20 off the cost of The Chad Dad Blueprint: Winter Gains.
If you have any questions about the course, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Enrollment is open now, and Sunday night at midnight, it closes.
You can read more about The Chad Dad Blueprint: Winter Gains, and join us here.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness