The following Coaching Options, Guides, And Freebies are available for you from Anyman Fitness.
Anyman Fitness focuses on the “Big Blocks” of fitness.
Our programs combine macronutrient recommendations (protein, carbs, and fats) and strength training with intensity to achieve a desired result.
No supplement upsells, no gimmicks, no fads – just pure lifestyle changes for you to improve.
To see what kind of results we can get for you, please refer to our Client Testimonials page here.
Jason Helmes
Anyman Fitness
Personalized, 1:1 Fitness Solutions
Nothing can compare to a highly personalized approach to achieve your goals.
With our 1:1 Fitness Solutions, everything is hand created by me – my extensive practice (over 4,000 clients to date) has given me the unique ability to pinpoint exactly what you need to do to make break-neck progress.
Everything is crafted with precision with your unique situation in mind, and I will be holding you accountable – we will be in close contact during your experience.
You can apply for a 1:1 Consultation at this link – serious inquires only, please.
Full Access: Anyman Fitness (Group Coaching)
If you don’t need specific personalization for your situation and you are an independent go-getter, Full Access: Anyman Fitness may benefit you.
In essence, I’ve taken everything I’ve learned through working with thousands and put them into a “Member’s Area” for you to utilize at your own pace.
Loads of training programs, personalized dietary recommendations, and full support from me comes with your membership – at a price that can’t be beat.
To see what Full Access: Anyman Fitness is all about and learn about this option, click here.
No Squats, No Deadlifts, Huge Gains
After years of trying to gain muscle using the standard “squat, deadlift, and bench press” approach, I became frustrated by my lack of results.
After studying intently on exactly what creates verified muscle, I was shocked by what I found.
I implemented the research and turned it into a training program – and promptly exploded across my upper body.
After using the protocol on myself, I’ve used the protocol on hundreds of clients with similar and spectacular results.
To grab a copy of the training program that will make you stretch out your shirt sleeves like never before, check out No Squats. No Deadlifts. Huge Gains. here.
Freebies And Guides:
Free Livin’ The Dream Guide
For simple and actionable tips on how to eat and live Lean and Healthy for life – and learn the best practices from working with thousands of clients – delivered to your inbox, tap here and then tap “Yes, I Want To Live The Dream”.
Free Flat Abdomen Quiz And Guide
Think you know what it takes to get a flat stomach? Or even better – an actual 6-pack?
You’ll be surprised at the most efficient way to accomplish this rather common goal.
Take this short quiz and get the answers delivered directly to your inbox to see how knowledgeable you are on this subject.
Take the quiz and get started here.
Free 6-Day “PPL” (Push-Pull-Legs) Training Program
One of my All-Time Favorite Training Programs is the classic “PPL” split.
This is a 6 day per week, 45 minutes per session training program which hits all muscle groups twice over the course of a week.
The Program contains a perfect blend of strength and muscle building stimuli, and is a surefire way to gain strength and muscle.
Grab your Free copy of the 6-Day PPL Program here.
Free Glute Re-Shaper Guide
Everyone loves a firm, toned pair of glutes – but proper glute training can be quite the challenge.
In our Free Glute Re-Shaper Guide, I give you my Top 5 Favorite Glute Builders, complete with form help, set/rep schemes, and powerful Glute-Building tips guaranteed to plump up that peach properly
Grab your Free copy of the Glute Re-Shaper Guide here.
Free Macronutrient, Fat Loss Set Up
At Anyman Fitness, we believe in Flexible Dieting – our clients get a recommended set of macronutrient numbers to aim for each day.
This allows flexibility in their diets and gives them the freedom to eat the foods they love while dieting, which is incredibly powerful.
For a proper nutritional set up and guide showing you exactly how you should be eating to optimize your results, grab our Nutritional Hierarchy Set Up Guide here.
Free Bodyweight Routines
Looking for Routines that use little to no equipment you can do at home?
Here are 4, Free Bodyweight Routines – the exact same routines we give to clients to achieve mind-blowing transformations.
Yours to keep and enjoy!
Grab your Free Bodyweight Routines here.
As more guides, training, and coaching options become available, I will add them to this page.
Check back often.
Jason Helmes
Anyman Fitness