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Liftin’ perfect, I am a perfect lifter,
And I’m liftin’ to get bigger, gettin’ jacked is my intention.
– 2 Pac (probably)
If you’re the first person to respond and correctly tell me know the 2 Pac song I’m parodying, I’ll send you a Free Anyman Fitness t-shirt from our Swag Shop, on the house!
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each Friday’s N.W.A. Newsletter will have 3 parts:
- A Nutritional Tip to help make your diet healthier and easier to stick to.
- A Workout Tip to help make your training sessions more effective and fun.
- An Attitude/Mindset tip to help you strengthen your greatest asset – your mental toughness.
I will also give you my single favorite piece of social media content from AF over the past week and link to it on either Instagram or Twitter.
Without any further ado… let’s get started, shall we?
N.W.A. Nutrition Tip of The Week
There’s a stigma that surrounds obesity, specifically obese people.
Often, it’s assumed people with obesity are gluttons who stuff their faces daily with unhealthy food.
I know from experience, and from being in the coaching trenches for the past decade, that this is an incorrect assumption.
Fat gain is a long term process, just like fat loss is.
Have you ever heard the phrase “You didn’t gain it all in a month, and you’re not going to lose it all in a month”?
That’s a true phrase, and it highlights how fat gain “sneaks up” on you over time.
Take me for example.
When I got married, I weighed about 245 pounds or so (this in 2005).
I had vowed to get into decent shape for my wedding.
245 actually was after a 30 pound weight loss (remember, I’m very tall – 6’8″).
I looked decent for my wedding.
Not exactly “super fit” or anything, but at least I didn’t look horribly overweight for our wedding pictures.
After our wedding was over, I continued to lift weights and work out.
But it was pretty sporadic. I would lift weights 2-3 times per week and try to do cardio if I had the time.
My diet loosened up a bit since I didn’t have a wedding to be in shape for.
I wasn’t “gluttonous” – I tried to keep my portions reasonable.
I just loosened up “a little bit” is all…
I could tell my waistline was ever-so-slowly expanding.
At the time, I wasn’t a fan of weighing myself, so I rarely stepped on the scale.
By the time 2009 had rolled around, 4 years later, my weight had ballooned up to almost 300 pounds.
I had gained 50 pounds of body fat in 4 years’ time…
While that does seem like a lot, it comes on gradually and you barely notice it week to week, or even month to month.
4 years is 48 months.
That’s roughly 1 pound of weight gain per month.
1 pound of fat is equal to around 3,500 calories.
If you break it down, this means I was eating over my maintenance by 100-150 calories per day, on average.
100-150 calories isn’t much.
It’s an apple or two, really.
But that’s honestly all it takes – just a wee bit over your maintenance, consistently over time.
And eventually, you realize the hands of time haven’t been good to you, and you’ve gained a lot of weight out of “nowhere”.
Are there people out there who throw 2 sheets to the wind, and overindulge on a regular basis?
Sure, those people surely exist.
But the vast majority of people who struggle with their weight are just barely overeating, but they’re overeating consistently over time.
It’s common for someone to start dieting the right way, in our community and tell us they’re “rarely” or “never” hungry.
This happens for a few reasons…
- They’re finally eating the right amount of protein for their metabolism.
- They’re in a calorie deficit, but they’re not “starving” themselves – their deficit is sustainable.
- They’re eating more nutritionally dense foods (instead of calorically dense foods).
- They’re likely reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption (which means you can eat more real food).
- They’re drinking more water and staying hydrated more effectively.
- They’re eating more fiber and veggies.
And when these 6 things combine, losing weight can feel like “magic”…
Very little hunger.
Lots of delicious, whole foods.
And great fat loss results, to boot.
If you’ve never dieted the “right way” and all you’ve tried is fads and silly gimmicks, you really should get some coaching from someone who knows what they’re doing.
It will make all the difference for you…
Nothing beats the customization and personalization of a 1:1 program.
When you have a hand created, tailor-made gameplan for success, and a Coach checking in on you and holding you accountable, you’ll be shocked at how quickly you make progress.
Think a 1:1 program might be something you’d be interested in this Fall?
Tap here to learn more about how we can help you lose the weight – for good.
N.W.A. Mindset Tip of The Week
Last week, one of our clients, Katrina, shot me a DM.
Katrina and her husband, Jason, had been in our coaching program and had gone through a life changing transformation:
Jason and Katrina had taken No Cardio Fat Shredding with us.
No Cardio Fat Shredding is our signature, 6 week fat loss course (the next round begins on 8/21).
They both took the course, lost a good amount of weight, and like so many other NCFS graduates, they just kept going.
Their results have been wild – they both look so much healthier and happier.
Jason particularly – check out his drastic transformation – it’s hard to believe this is even the same guy…
And while it’s rewarding to see how Katrina and Jason’s bodies have changed, that’s not the rewarding part.
The rewarding part is seeing how Katrina and Jason have changed their family’s trajectory.
Here’s a snippet from Katrina’s message – she sent this to both myself and our 1:1 Program Director Coach Patrick (who worked directly with Jason for over a year).
I wanted to reach out and thank you both personally for the impact you have had on our Family Legacy.
Jason and I both did NCFS in September of 2021.NCFS set me up on the path to my goal – to feel comfortable in my clothes / skin, and I have maintained that for nearly 2 years now.Jason… you know his story.And, what you don’t know is that his journey has changed the legacy of our family.
We both grew up in households that didn’t have a focus on fitness or nutrition in any way, and have multiple family members who are obese.
Neither one of us wanted that for our family and we had failed to create a different environment.
Our kids now see us both making good choices, focused on our health and living the life we want, not a life where our health holds us back, a life where our health is a trampoline to catapult us to our other goals.Your impact will leave ripples not only on our family, but on many other families as a result.So thank you.
You will always have two raving fans here!
That’s truly what it’s all about.
You might think fitness is about abs and biceps and glutes.
But it’s not.
Sure, it’s fun to become physically fit, and see the fruits of your labor.
But it’s even more fun to realize you’re setting the future generations up for success.
Your kids are sponges.
They absorb everything they see and everything you do as parents.
What kind of a message are YOU sending to them?
Is it one of healthy living and exercise?
Or is it one of sloth and apathy about your health?
Jason and Katrina are an inspiration.
Coaching is hard work, and it can be draining at times, I won’t lie.
But when we get a message like that one, it makes it all worthwhile.
Congrats, you two!
I know you read these newsletters… thank YOU for being such a rock star couple.
Myself and Coach Patrick are looking forward to seeing you crush life in the years to come.
Coach Patrick worked closely with Jason to produce such a wild and dramatic physical result.
Fall is rapidly approaching, and our 1:1 rosters are filling up.
To apply for a spot in our 1:1 coaching program, tap this link here.
Serious inquiries only, please…
One Favorite Social Media Post Of The Week:
“My love handles just won’t go away, what tricks do you have?”
Be more patient.
Be more consistent.
Track measurements, and if you’re super consistent, drop your calories.
Love handles are “problem areas” – they take FOR-EVER to get lean.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
Read the N.W.A. Newsletter Archives
Client Testimonials and Results
True story – Snoop wasn’t paid very well for his blockbuster debut album, Doggystyle. Death Row owned the rights, and Snoop was making chump change from the royalties.
I’m sure this recent business move was super satisfying for him…