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This looks like a job for me,
So everybody, just follow me,
You won’t make many gains without me,
‘Cuz the gym feels so empty without me.
– Eminem (probably)
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Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Nutrition and Training Tip Of The Week
It’s December, and I’m coming to the end of a long bulk.
I started bulking back at the start of August.
I weighed 229 pounds at the time.
Since then, I’ve put on ~30 pounds of bodyweight on the scale.
I currently weigh around 260 pounds.
I’ve gained over an inch on each arm as well as 2 inches on my chest.
My lifts are all through the roof currently; I’m stronger than I’ve ever been in my life.
Here’s my current physique and progress picture:
I wanted to show you this for a few reasons.
First and foremost, I want to show you the type of sacrifices you need to make to make long term muscle gain progress.
Losing body fat is a simple and straight forward process.
Step 1: Get into a calorie deficit.
Step 2: Be consistent.
Step 3: Lose body fat.
Yes, there are ways to optimize things. Eating the right amount of protein and the right blend of each macronutrient makes dieting much easier and enjoyable (our clients will attest to this).
But in reality, all there really is to losing body fat is maintaining a deficit over time.
However, bulking is a much different beast.
You need to eat just a little bit over maintenance without going overboard.
You need to train like a madman in the gym consistently and with intensity.
You need to eat at least 3-4 meals per day to optimize your muscle protein synthesis.
You need to reduce or eliminate alcohol and get as much sleep as you can for muscle tissue growth and repair.
You need to do all of those things, and you also need to realize you may only gain a few pounds of muscle, even after making all those sacrifices.
For example – I’ve gained 30 pounds on the scale.
I would estimate 7-8 of those pounds are water weight, stomach/gut content, bowel content, etc.
That leaves 22-ish pounds of actual body weight.
Of those 22 pounds, I’ll be lucky if 10 pounds are muscle, and 12 pounds are body fat.
As such, in January when I begin dieting again, I’ll lose the 8 pounds of water weight/gut content and the 12 pounds of body fat over the next 3-4 months.
That will leave me at 237-238 on the scale.
That’s a solid 10 pounds up from where I was when I started the process, back in August.
But with the same body fat percentage, and 10 more pounds of muscle, the aesthetic will be much different.
I’ll look much better, even though I will have roughly the same amount of fat on my body.
During this process, it’s important to keep track of body measurements.
I’ve been helping a number of my 1:1 clients in bulking scenarios; let me show you the type of data we take to ensure progress.
When bulking, it’s impossible not to gain body fat (unless you’re on steroids, and most of my clients are natural).
As such, we accept a bit of body fat gain, and we aim to keep our waist measurements from going up too much.
We look specifically for increases in the chest, the biceps, and the quads.
Take Mike* for example (name changed).
Mike came to me 4 months ago. He was a “hard gainer” who was looking to bulk up and gain size.
Here are his body measurements after working closely with me for 4 months:
Mike has gained 16 pounds on the scale in that time frame, an average weight gain of 1 pound per week (this is perfect).
His waist has gone up just a smidge. He’s gained a hair on his upper and lower waist, and about 1 inch on his belly button mark.
Yes, he’s gained a bit of body fat, but nothing concerning. A few weeks of dieting will take care of it pronto.
But look at the incredible changes to Mike’s chest and biceps.
Mike has gained over 1 inch on each arm.
He has also gained 3 inches on his chest measurement (fantastic)!
He’s also seen substantial gains on his quad measurements as well.
This is a huge accomplishment, that can only happen with a solid set up, attention to detail, and above all – patience.
But rest assured, it’s worth it. Mike is going to be ready to rock in the Summer of 2024 with his new beach body.
Gaining muscle is one of the best things you can do for long term fitness success.
It can be tough to see your abs disappear and the scale number increase.
But taking a step or two backwards momentarily in order to make more gains over time is always worth it.
If you’d like to discuss a proper bulking/muscle gain set up to improve your physique, you can apply for a spot in our coaching program here.
N.W.A. Mindset Tip Of The Week
2023 has been the best year we’ve had at Anyman Fitness so far.
We’ve had over 1,000 people go through our No Cardio Fat Shredding Program.
We currently have 900 members of Full Access: Anyman Fitness (group coaching).
And we helped over 150 people in our 1:1 program this year as well.
This was AF’s 10th year in existence; I founded the company on May 5, 2013.
There are a few things I attribute to our success.
First, we’ve always stayed true to our mission.
Our mission is to show men and women how simple getting into great shape is.
It’s not easy, but it’s simple. It’s straight forward. Don’t let anyone fool you; you don’t need a fancy diet set up, or to kill yourself with cardio.
You simply need to focus on the big rocks of fitness and be real with yourself.
Second, we’ve been consistent with that messaging since Day 1.
We don’t do gimmicky diets.
We don’t follow trends or fads.
The things we were teaching our clients on Day 1 are the same things we teach them today, in Year 11.
These are the evergreen tenets of fitness, and they do not go out of “style”.
It’s funny, because I see some of my colleagues out there who were preaching “Paleo” back in 2013 when I started.
Soon, they shifted to selling intermittent fasting protocols.
Then, they pivoted to Keto.
These days, they’re touting Carnivore and intuitive eating.
I can’t help but think how much they struggle to get clients on board with them.
Constantly changing your messaging based on what’s “trendy” isn’t a good way to build faith and trust in your audience.
Now, does this mean we get people who come our way, and then leave when they realize what we do requires hard work, introspection, patience, and the right mindset?
It does.
Some people want a “quick fix”.
We aren’t offering you a “quick fix”.
Instead, we are offering you the ability to build the independent skills required for you to make a sweeping, drastic, and permanent lifestyle change.
Change is hard.
There isn’t a “magic pill” to fitness.
The “magic pill” you’re looking for comes in the form of a daily dedication to changing your life and doing things the right way.
But every time I start to get discouraged, I am reminded of why we do what we do.
I’m reminded of why we don’t lie, we don’t bullshit you, and we don’t follow gimmicks just to “make a sale”.
I’m reminded of this when I get updates from our clients; like Pat sent me last week.
Pat started with us on December 4th of last year.
On December 4th of this year, he shot me this updated progress picture of his AF journey so far:
In one year’s time, Pat has lost 102 pounds.
He has also lost 14.5 inches of fat off of his waist.
Pat confided in me that both is father and his grandfather died prematurely from heart issues, and he wasn’t about to accept the same fate for himself.
This is what it’s all about.
For every person who sees a shiny new, fancy diet and chases the “magic pill” there’s a person like Pat who hops on board with our coaching and changes their entire lives forever.
Hell yeah, Pat!
I couldn’t love this more if I tried.
With 2024 on the horizon, I turn the question to you…
When will you take the plunge?
When will you decide to get serious about improving your health, and join our team?
Only you can make that choice.
And when you do, myself and the rest of the AF coaches will be ready for you with open arms.
True story – Pat didn’t receive 1:1 coaching from us.
Instead, he hopped on board with Full Access: Anyman Fitness one year ago.
Loads of training programs.
Custom nutrition.
A proprietary app to track everything.
And super affordable to boot.
You can learn more about our most popular coaching offer here.
More AF Content From Around the Web:
Shorter women have it rough in the world of dieting and fitness.
Smaller calorie maintenance.
Less wiggle room for their diet.
Tall men can mess up big time when they diet, and STILL lose weight.
But shorter women… not so much…
Learn exactly how to approach fitness if you’re a petite, older women in my latest from Social House News – Fat-Loss Considerations for Petite Women (and Those With Slow Metabolisms) here.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
Read the N.W.A. Newsletter Archives
Client Testimonials and Results
Obie Trice, real name, no gimmicks… (NSFW – language)