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Something’s wrong…
I scratched my head…
The gym is closed…
Ran sprints instead…
I’m driving home…
I’m almost there…
Opened the door…
Headed up the stairs…
To my surprise…
What did I see…
My wife, saying, “Babe, don’t forget your creatine…”
– Kanye (probably)
If you wish, you can grab the N.W.A. Newsletter Playlist on Spotify here, all of the songs that have been featured in the newsletter are on the playlist.
Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Nutrition Tip Of The Week
With Christmas in the rear-view mirror, and the New Year coming up in a few days, millions of people will be looking to shred a few pounds in January.
Maybe even you?
Today’s Nutrition Tip is simple.
If you want A+ results, you will have to give an A+ effort.
Especially with your nutrition.
Going to the gym and lifting weights is the easy part of fitness.
That may be tough to hear if you’ve been inconsistent and spotty lately, but it’s the truth.
You’ve probably seen the meme before…
The one that says “What people think is the hard part” with a picture of the gym…
And then “What’s actually the hard part” with a picture of a bunch of meal prepped Tupperware containers.
It’s an accurate statement.
I want to fill you in on a trend I’ve seen with my 1:1 clients.
Our 1:1 clients fill out a spreadsheet with data each week for our check ins. One of the questions they get asked is, “How many days this week did you go over on your calories?”
They are asked to answer with a number between 1 and 7.
Before Day 1, I fill them in on a little secret…
Almost all of the crazy transformations you see on our website have one thing in common:
They score a “0” every week in that category.
This means they hit their macros and calories each and every day.
Because of this, they make rapid progress.
I’m talking up to an inch off their waist and 1-3 pounds off the scale on many weeks.
Nailing your diet every day will allow you to make lightning quick progress.
Having 1 “mess up” day per week will still allow you to make solid progress.
It won’t be quite as quick as perfection, but it’s still darn good.
You’ll see your waist get smaller methodically and your weight should still trend downwards.
But having 2 or more mess up days…
This is where you’ll start to notice you don’t make much progress, if any.
There shift is pretty drastic between 1 mess up day per week and 2 mess up days per week.
Messing up 2 days per week will cause frustration and annoyance.
You’ll “spin your wheels” and become upset.
You need to do everything you can to keep your overages small, and infrequent.
If we think of it in terms of a school grading system, this makes sense.
7 out of 7 is a perfect 100%, an A+.
6 out of 7 is an 86%, a solid B.
But 5 out of 7 is a 71%… it’s a C-… it’s almost a D.
You can’t expect “A+ results” and put forth a C- effort.
You can see what this means, too.
You cannot be a good dieter Monday through Friday and then go “yolo” on the weekends.
You won’t lose much weight that way.
Fat loss can be difficult.
It’s not complicated.
But it’s not exactly “easy”, either.
If you need help in the New Year, watch this space.
We have some killer fat loss offers coming your way if you need something to get you over the hump.
If you need some help and you’d like to start making positive steps to improve your life, you can apply for a spot on our 1:1 coaching roster here.
Mindset Tip Of The Week:
Start now.
That’s the mindset tip of the week this week.
Start now.
There is no “best time” for fitness.
You can’t “wait until you’re not busy”.
Because you’re always going to be busy.
Are you going to wait until your kids are out of the house?
Are you going to wait until you retire?
How long are you actually going to wait for?
It’s a common occurrence for me to get an email from someone wanting coaching, and then get ghosted.
It’s weird, but it happens.
Especially in the online space.
It’s also a common occurrence for that same person to message me back 8 months later, saying, “Okay, I’m ready now”.
This is often a red flag.
Think about what this person is saying by their actions.
They’re saying, “I will take fitness seriously when I have the time for it; when I am busy, I will not make it a priority in my life.”
Yes, there are times where perhaps fitness needs to take a back seat to other aspects of life.
If you have a particularly grueling stretch of work.
If you have a family emergency to attend to, or someone’s health is ailing.
But, I will always argue that something is better than nothing.
Even if you can’t commit to getting to the gym, you can always do a quick, 20 minute bodyweight workout.
Even 5 sets of push ups to failure each day is better than doing absolutely nothing.
It takes a surprisingly small amount of exercise to reap the benefits.
Just 20 minutes 3-4 days per week can make a massive difference.
What are you willing to commit to?
Whatever you’re willing to commit to, there’s no time like the present.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time is today.
More AF Content From Around the Web:
This tweet really caught fire…
It was tongue in cheek, but since it was Twitter, of course a lot of people took it really seriously and got upset…
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Coach J
Anyman Fitness
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Those horns during the opening tho… (NSFW – language)