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Back to the gym for those who didn’t get the message,
Back to the gym, I’m like Jordan ’96, ’97…
– Drake (probably)
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Happy Friday, Coach J here from Anyman Fitness – and welcome to the latest edition of The N.W.A. Newsletter.
Each week with the N.W.A. Newsletter, I give you the best Nutrition, Weightlifting, and/or Attitude advice for you to start to use in your life today.
Tens of thousands of people have used this exact newsletter to gain muscle, lose fat, and become a better version of themselves…
Without any further ado, let’s get started..
N.W.A. Tip Of The Week
Last week, a client sent me an incredible progress picture.
It might be my favorite progress picture of all time:
This is Susan – Susan is in her mid-50’s.
Her goal was different than most – she came to me wanting to build muscle.
The only problem was, she was struggling to do so.
Building muscle isn’t easy.
Losing weight is (relatively) simple and straight forward.
Eat in a calorie deficit.
But building muscle?
You have to do a lot of things right in order to build proper muscle.
It’s an intentional process that takes daily dedication.
Building muscle is hard for everyone, but for a woman in her mid-50’s, it can seem like a monumental task.
But it’s sooooooo worth it, for a few reasons.
Reason #1: Building muscle improves your body fat percentage.
As you age, if you’re not retaining and/or building muscle, your body fat percentage is increasing, even if you don’t gain weight.
Sarcopenia is age-related muscle loss.
If you are not resistance training, by age 30, your muscle is slowly diminishing.
This accelerates once you hit age 60.
This means, even if you aren’t gaining body fat, your body fat percentage goes up over time.
Building muscle slows or reverses this process.
Reason #2: Building muscle improves your blood glucose levels.
Muscle acts like a sponge to your blood sugar.
If you have a decent amount of muscle mass, you can handle larger glycemic loads.
Have you noticed most older adults have blood sugar issues?
Even if they haven’t gained weight over time?
This is largely because they don’t lift weights with intention.
When your body fat percentage increases (see Reason #1), you start to become more insulin resistant.
Eventually, without muscle mass, you’ll develop pre-diabetes or diabetes.
Building muscle and maintaining your gains ensures this doesn’t happen.
Reason #3: Building muscle improves your quality of life.
Everyday tasks are easier when you’re strong and have substantial muscle mass.
You can move furniture.
Pick up your kids and grandkids without risking throwing out your back.
You move better.
You feel better.
Anyone who has put on muscle will tell you this is true.
Life is better when you’ve lifted weights, and gained muscle as a result.
Reason #4: Building muscle is immensely satisfying, and will give you confidence like you wouldn’t believe.
Quick quiz – name one person you know who’s lost a bunch of weight.
I’m positive you had someone in mind.
We all do; perhaps it’s you since you’re getting this newsletter! 🙂
Quick quiz #2 – name one person you know who has gained a bunch of muscle over the years.
Could you still do it?
Building muscle is only for the truly dedicated.
You need to fuel your body every day.
You need to train hard 3-4 times per week, at least.
You need to stack months and months and months of hard work before you see results.
Because of this, once you DO build muscle, it will feel incredible; you will walk around with the confidence of a rock star.
It’s the physical manifestation of all of your hard work.
Nothing is more satisfying.
Reason #5: Building muscle makes you look better naked.
As we age, gravity starts to take control.
Things sag.
Things stretch.
Body parts start to lose their perkiness.
Building muscle makes your body look young and vibrant for a much longer time.
Looking better naked is a primal desire we all have; everyone wants to look and feel attractive without clothes on.
My hat is off to Susan – if a 55 year old, menopausal woman can build substantial muscle, anyone can do it.
But to reiterate – this didn’t happen by accident.
Susan and myself worked together closely for a year to ensure this happened.
She lifted hard.
She ate right daily.
She got as strong as she possibly could.
And she’s reaping the benefits now.
Congratulations, Susan, you are a bona-fide bad ass!
If you’re as dedicated as Susan is, and you’d like to work closely with me on a personalized, 1:1 program, click here and learn more about how I can help you.
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This is far and away the #1 habit of people who lose the weight and maintain their weight loss over time.
Do this and your chances of success skyrocket.
I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Anyman Fitness N.W.A. Newsletter.
I’ll be back next week.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Best, Coach J Anyman Fitness
Read the N.W.A. Newsletter Archives Client Testimonials and Results
Way better than whiny, in my feels Drake… (NSFW – lyrics)