Time for the newest edition of “Gainz Of The Week” – the premier spot for the best information to improve your fitness levels – and your life.
Each week, we bring you:
- New news in the world of Anyman Fitness.
- A recap of the week’s featured article.
- A kick-ass update from one of our online training clients.
- Thoughts regarding a common fitness question.
- The best fitness articles on the interwebzzzzzzz.

Good morning – hopefully this Sunday finds you well rested and ready to tackle the world ahead of you tomorrow.
We are rocking and rolling in the world of Anyman Fitness.
I’m 3 weeks into a squat-less AND deadlift-less training protocol and I’m feeling great.
Tons of volume on the upper body, moderate volume on the legs, machines galore, and I can hear all the internet gurus out there getting their jimmies rustled.
So, what this means is I’m teaching 5 middle school classes (that I’ve never taught before), fathering two children, handling my share of the household duties, training an hour each day of the week, and running an online business.
I’m busy.
But I’m not “busy”.
Not sure if that makes sense.
Last year, I felt “busy”. I was always rushed. I was always “multi-tasking”. I was always thinking about what I would do next.
This year, I have made a conscious decision to change my mindset and my approach – and SLOW the hell down.
This past summer, I read a few awesome books – How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie, Choose Yourself!
by James Alturcher, and Gorilla Mindset
by Michael Cernovich.
I’ve been doing four things, which were recommended in these books:
- I’m only doing one thing at a time and focusing on it.
- Starting each day with a cheesy mantra – “Today, I will do the best I can, and let the chips fall where they may.”
- No more electronic messages on a smartphone – emails, Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc. Computer only.
- Slow down and handle the task in front of me only – my inbox will always be full.
These came from my own social media thoughts and they have helped me maintain a level head, even during times of insane business and borderline pandemonium.
Which any parent can relate to.
Reading Gainz By Jason
This week’s article was all about everyone’s worst nightmare: HUNGER.
What are your thoughts on hunger? Does hunger bother you? Do you have to deal with hunger?
Hunger is your worst enemy when trying to shed fat.
If you can diet without hunger, you can do anything you wish physically.
Here are ways to troubleshoot your hunger, and stop it dead in its tracks.
Read “How To Beat Hunger” ===> {HERE}.
Client Gainz Of The Week
This week’s client gainz come from Brian.
Brian has been CRUSHING his first 3 months with us.
He’s worked his ass off in the weight room, he’s been consistent with dieting, and he’s been peppering me with questions regarding dieting mindset and psychology.
And he’s been properly rewarded with 20 pounds and over 5 inches (stomach measurement) of fat loss.
A look at his incredible results from his first 3 months of work:

We will keep you posted of Brian’s efforts – he’s been killing it and he’s well on his way to eliminating that “Dad Bod”.
Thought Gainz Of The Week
This week’s thought gainz come from a site follower, Ryan, who sent me a question via email.
The question:
I was wondering something. I’ve been following your site for a few years.
It seems as if you used to love RPT training with its minimalist approach.
Now, I saw on Facebook that you’re training for an hour every day with a large amount of volume.
And you’re eliminating deadlifts and squats! Are you crazy? Lol!
Why has your approach changed so much? Would you recommend this to others?
Thanks for your time,
An excellent question, Ryan!
My answer below:
Reading Gainz Of The Week
Here are my favorite self-improvement articles from around the web for this week:
5 Minute Micro-Routines To Build Muscle by Eric Bach
7 Ways To Burn More Fat At Breakfast by Mike Samuels
The Unspoken Truth About Online Fitness by Tanner Baze (LOVE this one…..)
5 Traits Of A Successful Coach by Tony Gentilcore
One Crazy Trick: What We Can Learn From Fad Diets, Detoxes, and MLM Insanity by Amy Dix
Building Muscle On A Vegetarian Diet by Kristen Perillo
Best to you as you chase those gainz this week!