Of The Food Babe, Doctors, Fitness, and Fear………….

There are two very obvious sides of the battlefield when it comes to health, nutrition, the government, science, and our collective lives in general.  In one corner, you have the scientists, the Doctors (not of the “Oz” variety), the fitness experts, the research driven, and those who always seem to be screaming from the mountaintops: […]

Intermittent Fasting and Leangains Are NOT Magic!

It’s funny how things evolve. When I first began experimenting with various eating and fasting protocols, the changes were small at first. I began by jumping full-bore into the carbophobic-Atkins loving, bacon-buffet, carbs will kill you, William Davis-worshipping crowd. Did avoiding carbs at all costs work? Yessir. Lost a good amount of weight. I thought […]

IIFYM vs. “Clean Eating” – A Regular Guy’s Thoughts

You may notice a theme in most of my posts. Weightloss. It’s mainly what I’ve been focusing on. This is for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, there are very, very few people out there who are truly at a place, physically, where they don’t want to lose any more weight. Perhaps the chronically […]